
Is stereo the limiting factor?

Don't want to jump the gun but my patent application for 7.1 flat sound should be granted soon and you'll need to watch Dragons Den.

My other idea is based on flat panel speakers and paint technology. If you think how a speaker cone vibrates to reproduce the complex sound patterns that we call music I'm getting in early with the idea ov vibrating paint films. The whole wall then becomes a speaker with zones to simulate my 7.1 flatpanel recordings.

To get surround sound you just have to paint all 4 walls.

As I said the mother in law is here.
A bit like Bradbury's Farenheit away with the books and change a wall at a time into full interactive TV screens. Where people can then provide back their own spoken 'scripting' to help be part of, and co- produce the program.
I hope ----markt ----doesnt see this thread as over in off topic he's talking about the neighbours from Hell - to wit one policeman and partner and sub woofers

We do use woofers but not underfoot. however what effect does dancing have on the piezo electrics

Im seeing disco floors and dancing in the piezo dust along with a Patrick magoohan Prisoner theme

they can already spray light emitting polymers onto a flexible film using inkjet printing techniques and produce a display. Not too good resolutions at present but that will come.

In a strange mirror of Farenheit 451 this will let us burn the books as it may develop into electronic paper.

There was also a device developed for retail that you could attach to the inside of a window and it would use the surface of the glass to project sound to the outside allowing you to add window listening to the window shopping experience.

Science fiction and blue skies thinking are closely linked, at least thats what my friends on Tralfamadore tell me.
ian r

I've been thinking about markt's problem.

As an update on the tree/forrest conundrum

If a speaker operates in a vacuum does it make a sound? ( maybe a new thread?)

Just tell him to leave his vacuum cleaner switched on!
1 speaker would be insufficient for drums, and how about multi-keyboards and guitar solos, and also how about multiple singers?

I think you would need more speakers than can fit in the room!
I think a special injection of stacked quads powered by stacked Amstrad Quadrophonic amps might do the trick and would probably put you off 'stereo' for life
If you look at the number of channels used in a studio to capture the musical experience. Why then limit performance by mixing down to just 2 channels?

The technology is already with us.

Vinyl may be limited but new delivery systems should be explored.

Open our minds to new possibilities. If crossovers are sound disruptors and interfere with the purity of the signal why limit ourselves to 2 or 3 way speaker systems?

How about 5 or more narrow frequency optimised speakers fed their own discrete channel in a crossoverless design?

Why put up with all the compromises required to squeeze so much information into two channels and then expect to squeeze it all out again through a few vibrating surfaces?

If increasing bandwidth (more channels) allows for more information to be transferred and then we optimise retreival to take advantage of this information with less compromises we could be looking at son of stereo.

they can already spray light emitting polymers onto a flexible film using inkjet printing techniques and produce a display. Not too good resolutions at present but that will come.

In a strange mirror of Farenheit 451 this will let us burn the books as it may develop into electronic paper.

There was also a device developed for retail that you could attach to the inside of a window and it would use the surface of the glass to project sound to the outside allowing you to add window listening to the window shopping experience.

Science fiction and blue skies thinking are closely linked, at least thats what my friends on Tralfamadore tell me.
We look back at 'those wistful mad fantasies' in old films and books - how the World should be magically operating. It is funny how, before too long: dreamed up inventions make previous fantasies ..reality. I once came across an old book with illustrations of the idealized life of a 40's family. Incredibly the family was depicted with Dad with his pipe, Mum in apron and the doting children enjoying full wall television.:D
Posted by norriemal View Post
......Science fiction and blue skies thinking are closely linked, at least thats what my friends on Tralfamadore tell me.

Rather true....I know that from.....
One sunny day I took my dog. then a puppy out of the house 'for a leak'. I looked back at the reflection in the floor length windows of my house. The clouds were moving, I looked up at the sky...they were still. I then remembered I had come outside while the film Independence Day was playing, Just where the alien ships come over New York. It was my two big sub woofers in the sound system flexing the windows and making the reflected clouds appear to move.
Posted by norriemal View Post
......Science fiction and blue skies thinking are closely linked, at least thats what my friends on Tralfamadore tell me.

Rather true....I know that from.....
One sunny day I took my dog. then a puppy out of the house 'for a leak'. I looked back at the reflection in the floor length windows of my house. The clouds were moving, I looked up at the sky...they were still. I then remembered I had come outside while the film Independence Day was playing, Just where the alien ships come over New York. It was my two big sub woofers in the sound system flexing the windows and making the reflected clouds appear to move.
Shock horror - someone watched Independence Day!
I think a special injection of stacked quads powered by stacked Amstrad Quadrophonic amps might do the trick and would probably put you off 'stereo' for life
It can be more easily done with less expense. Up front I have a tall pair of U.S Time Windows omni-directionals sitting on top of a pair of IMF 80's. The IMFs are used in one of two other stereo systems in the room.
Since they ( the Time Windows ) stand then, as high as only about 2 feet from the 9 feet ceiling.... wait till some film reproduces a thunderstorm or jet The entire ceiling (of solid concrete) becomes a colossal sounding board from one end to the other. Separate subs growl at floor level and you also have all the other - at ear level...multi channel speaker interplay going as well.
I definitely would be out of court with the 'one pair of speakers in a room' types when listening. No doubt the other systems' speakers (not in play) are probably getting into the act as well passively. at times. Still it suits me.
Shock horror - someone watched Independence Day!
And I use the film 2012 as a sound test piece for Blu Ray. I am dammed I know! Still when considering my amount of penance to do , remember 2012 came as one of three freebees'...with the Blu Ray player. I plead I would not have personally brought it. One of the other freebees' was Jacko's This Is It...:eek::eek::eek:. I, desperately in vain - tried to get them to give me something else.At least the Jacko thingo, made me appreciate what a real classical or stage dancer is. Not those packs of creatures on display doing Zumba or Pilates -type Exercises,

That is perfect.... blue skies and science fiction interacting via the medium of sound (and vision).

I keep thinking back to Panda's desire for a single point source and can't help but wonder if it's this kind of thinking that has his species under threat of extinction. At least it would simplify head to head comparisons between systems mono a mono so to speak.
I think a special injection of stacked quads powered by stacked Amstrad Quadrophonic amps might do the trick and would probably put you off 'stereo' for life
It can be more easily done with less expense. Up front I have a tall pair of U.S Time Windows omni-directionals sitting on top of a pair of IMF 80's. The IMFs are used in one of two other stereo systems in the room.
Since they ( the Time Windows ) stand then, as high as only about 2 feet from the 9 feet ceiling.... wait till some film reproduces a thunderstorm or jet The entire ceiling (of solid concrete) becomes a colossal sounding board from one end to the other. Separate subs growl at floor level and you also have all the other - at ear level...multi channel speaker interplay going as well.
I definitely would be out of court with the 'one pair of speakers in a room' types when listening. No doubt the other systems' speakers (not in play) are probably getting into the act as well passively. at times. Still it suits me.
Ah time windows - thats cheating

I nearly bought a pair of them here on PF a few years back but price was way too high once drivng 500 miles was factored in

I think ones neighbours would have to have Good Vibrations to remain ..... er ...... good

