
Is Osborne Insane?

Like all government work schemes the main aims are

To humiliate and degrade people until they run screaming towards any slave labour job ( if they can find one)

To say to the working poor..... keep working hard because look what we're doing to these poor bastards.

To cover the real truth behind unemployment and show the blue rinse brigade that something is being done

Id love to know where they are going to create all these jobs and why someone couldnt be paid directly for doing them.The hours suggested dont correlate with the JSA being paid.

You can bet that the only thing the tories have in mind is work gangs in orange DWP tabards so people can point and stare
Anybody who thinks we should have allowed the banks to fail is an idiot .

had the banks failed , England would have been like the walking dead without the Zombies . You would have needed a shotgun within four weeks and the vast majority of you over 60's on pfm would now be dead .

I said 'banks' not the whole banking system. Individual banks can and have gone down and the system doesn't collapse the same as in other industries. Didn't see any 'zombies' when Northern Rock or the Bradford & Bingley went, or Bear Stearns, Freddie/Fannie Mae in the US.

RBS shouldn't exist today as a completely 'failed' institution and should have been broken down and absorbed by other banks/finance companies with the directors and senior mangers banned from ever working in the industry again.
I said 'banks' not the whole banking system. Individual banks can and have gone down and the system doesn't collapse the same as in other industries. Didn't see any 'zombies' when Northern Rock or the Bradford & Bingley went, or Bear Stearns, Freddie/Fannie Mae in the US.

Oh, how quickly they forget terms like "systemic risk", "too big too fail", "Lehman Brothers" and "September 2008".

Also Freddie and Fannie didn't go bust they were taken into government ownership much like RBS. They where/are also no where near as screwed as RBS as they came to subprime relatively late in response to external pressure.
I have a workfare proposal- every Wednesday afternoon the directors and management of any bank still in possession of public funds must turn up to sweep the streets, deliver meals to old folk or clean graffiti / lift chewing gum from the pavement. It's only reasonable they do something to pay it back- I don't believe in a something or nothing society.
I have a workfare proposal- every Wednesday afternoon the directors and management of any bank still in possession of public funds must turn up to sweep the streets, deliver meals to old folk or clean graffiti / lift chewing gum from the pavement. It's only reasonable they do something to pay it back- I don't believe in a something or nothing society.

What exactly is your problem with making someone who is able bodied, but has been unable to find ANY work for three years actually make some kind of effort to earn what we dole out to them?

What exactly is your problem with making someone who is able bodied, but has been unable to find ANY work for three years actually make some kind of effort to earn what we dole out to them?

I see we are of the same mind on the matter of banking. ;)
Why should I effectively pay Tesco or some pound shop to get people to work for nothing in their businesses?
I see we are of the same mind on the matter of banking. ;)
Why should I effectively pay Tesco or some pound shop to get people to work for nothing in their businesses?

So that the feckless buggers who have skived at our expense for 3 years at least (and anyone who has not been able to get SOME kind of work, no matter how temporary or poorly paid for 3 years IS a feckless bugger) don't get to watch daytime TV & have to get some structure in their lives.

So that the feckless buggers who have skived at our expense for 3 years at least (and anyone who has not been able to get SOME kind of work, no matter how temporary or poorly paid for 3 years IS a feckless bugger) don't get to watch daytime TV & have to get some structure in their lives.


Utter bollocks
Utter bollocks

Good Morning, debs, I trust you are keeping well?:)

Why should we just keep shovelling money at these people & not expect them to make the maximum effort to help themselves. If this means forcing them to attend a job centre for 7 hrs a day to chase employment, so be it.

We have been paying interest on £124 billion borrowed to give to the banks. The bankers have still been awarding themselves the same bonuses in a year that many of Chris's targets could never hope to earn in their lifetime. I just want to see something in return for it. We are also subsidising workers in many businesses through tax credits while letting the same companies get away with massive tax avoidence. We need to tackle this culture aggressively.
Good Morning, debs, I trust you are keeping well?:)

Why should we just keep shovelling money at these people & not expect them to make the maximum effort to help themselves. If this means forcing them to attend a job centre for 7 hrs a day to chase employment, so be it.


Because Chris, it's a hollow political stunt designed to do nothing more than pander to the sadistic tendencies of a section of society of which you are a member. Sometimes I think you would flush an out of date pot noodle down the toilet before giving it to someone who could use it.
Because Chris, it's a hollow political stunt designed to do nothing more than pander to the sadistic tendencies of a section of society of which you are a member. Sometimes I think you would flush an out of date pot noodle down the toilet before giving it to someone who could use it.

I happily support the right of unemployed people to state aid, and through my taxes, like everyone else, pay for that state aid. But after 3 YEARS, they are taking the piss, and really should be disabused of the notion that they can continue so to do.

Being forced to effectively work full time on looking for a job is not unreasonable in these circumstances. We are supporting them anyway, so why not make sure they make every effort to stop being freeloaders?

If after a given period of time, they still have not found a job, then & only then they should be offerred community work.


Blair missed the boat with this issue. The economy was booming under successive Labour governments, drawing in huge numbers of migrant workers. That was the opportunity to get people into work yet employers were choosing eastern Europeans over British applicants. Currently I understand that for every vacancy there are five applicants on average? I am not opposed in principle to asking people to contribute something in return for benefits- those who are able. What I am opposed to is driving the poor over a cliff as we have seen with ATOS, the bedroom tax etc., for political ends. It plays well with the hangers and floggers who turn up to every Tory Party conference but that's all it does. It's a distraction just like the Tory MP, C. Elphicke who said today "the Labour Government caused the recession."
Maybe they are hoping to win their more right wing voters back from UKIP?
Blair missed the boat with this issue. The economy was booming under successive Labour governments, drawing in huge numbers of migrant workers. That was the opportunity to get people into work yet employers were choosing eastern Europeans over British applicants. Currently I understand that for every vacancy there are five applicants on average? I am not opposed in principle to asking people to contribute something in return for benefits- those who are able. What I am opposed to is driving the poor over a cliff as we have seen with ATOS, the bedroom tax etc., for political ends. It plays well with the hangers and floggers who turn up to every Tory Party conference but that's all it does. It's a distraction just like the Tory MP, C. Elphicke who said today "the Labour Government caused the recession."
Maybe they are hoping to win their more right wing voters back from UKIP?

The Labour govt didn't cause the recession but their decisions whilst in govt made things worse when the recession hit and the job more difficult to dig the UK out of it. Their track record as regards the economy, or their mis-management of it, is probably their biggest hurdle.

The Tories need to get more voters from UKiP though. Michael Heseltine is on the Daily Politics today and was reaffirming the opinion that a vote for UKIP is a vote for Ed Miliband.
The Labour govt didn't cause the recession but their decisions whilst in govt made things worse when the recession hit and the job more difficult to dig the UK out of it. Their track record as regards the economy, or their mis-management of it, is probably their biggest hurdle.

The Tories need to get more voters from UKiP though. Michael Heseltine is on the Daily Politics today and was reaffirming the opinion that a vote for UKIP is a vote for Ed Miliband.

Good heavens it's getting a bit desperate when they have to drag out the living dead to spin for them.

