
Is anyone ordering from Mouser soon?


pfm Member
I need to buy a couple of capacitors and have only managed to find them stocked by Mouser. The trouble is the delivery cost is £12 but free for orders over £50 and the capacitors only cost a couple of pounds or so.

If someone is due to place an order soon which qualifies for free delivery and would be willing to order them and send them on to me for the cost of postage from the UK (a first class stamp I would guess) then that would be a great help.

Please pm me if you can help.


What caps are they, i'll be ordering various bits next week for another Paradise build.
The Mouser reference numbers are:

80-MMK5104K63J01TR18 - two of these required

80-MMK5394K63J02TA18 - two of these required

594-2222-339-12334 - one of these required

The price is £2.98 +VAT so £3.60 plus postage so about £5?


They're suppression caps (I think) from an Ice Power board and I would think it unlikely that people will have spares lying around but you never know I guess.

Basically I have a switch off pop with a TEAC amplifier. I don't have the equipment or expertise to test the circuits. I have already replaced the capacitors in the mains circuit by the power switch to no avail so thought I would try all those I can find on the main board before considering having it serviced. The components are peanuts but the postage kills it. When I bought the others there were other items I needed so the order was over £50 and with hindsight I shoud've bought these at the same time. I don't have any projects on the go at present so can't think of anything I need to take the order over the free postage threshold.
Anything wll do for the first two, the 3rd has a foil shield. I'll order them next week for you.
Many thanks but what do you mean by anything will do for the first two? I'm trying to get exact matches if possible. I'll send you a pm with my email address so you can reply with the payment details and I can give you my address. Cheers, Dan.
Dan i have wima versions of the 0.1u caps that you can have. 250v, 5mm spacing. There's a straight drop in swap. I'll stick em in the post today for you.
Sorry Simon, I've had a hectic few days so have only just read your post. I received them today, many thanks. I sent you a pm saying they are not suitable but I will double check. The problem is the size rather than the rating. The existing ones are smaller in all dimensions and they are very close to each other.

