
Insect Bites?


Moderately extreme...
In an almost direct spin off from the 'Dull' thread.....

Last Sunday I spent most of the day raking out dead moss and 'thatch' from small lawn in my rear garden. (I have since fully spiked, and also 'top dressed' and re-seeded the aforesaid lawn, in an epic feat of dullness which almost exceeded even my own low standards.)

By Sunday evening I was aware of three small bites on my lower legs and applied 'Anthisan' cream.

By Monday the three bites were itching horrendously and developing small blisters at the centre of raised red lumps. More Anthisan had no effect.

Tuesday, no change. I tried a 'folk remedy' involving the application of a hot spoon to the bites and this gave relief for a couple of hours but the itching returned.

The local pharmacist could only suggest Piriton (Orally by syrup or tablet) which I'll pass on thanks. All such drugs mess with my head far too much.
So I ended up trying simple Calamine Lotion, which has had only a very slight effect.

No sign of the itching stopping or even moderating yet. It's driving me nuts and I'm even considering crushing a piriton tab and applying it topically (I.e to the skin... as a paste..

Unless anyone else has any knowledge of anything that I can use which actually works?

Witch hazel lotion may help, I had a bite earlier in the summer and it cleared up in a few days, certainatly eased on the itching.
try your own saliva - although the impact might only be temporary

don't burst the blisters of loads of baby spiders will escape
I'm used to bites and I usually get a least a couple of Horse Fly bites per year. Those things are evil bastards, but the bites don't itch for as long as these have..

Should be settling down by now...

I'll try covering them.

I suffered from the same insect bite on Monday, on my arm whilst I was rebuilding the manhole over my septic tank - there were lots of flying insects very interested in what lay below. I have had them before, they seem prevalent at this time of year. I caught one in flagrante some years back, it is a very small black fly, they seem attracted to you when you are doing rather hot, sweaty, grubby physical work. I throw a nasty allergic reaction - the entire area swells up quite alarmingly, a couple of bites on my face once made me look as though I had come off rather badly after a bout with Tyson what's his name. The same happens to my father. I'm afraid antihistamene is the answer. You could try a cream, or a non-drowsy tab. I didn't use antihistamene on Monday, but tea tree and witch-hazel cream. Yesterday it was still really itchy and inflamed, but it has settled a bit this morning, still itchy, with a hard lump where the bite was, but the inflammation around it has gone.
Seems very much the same. Could be another type of horse fly. Apparently about 2000 species of all sizes.:eek:
I shall try a few of the suggestions.

Pure Tea Tree applied directly to the bite. It's all I took with me through SE Asia last July and served well as I was repeatedly bitten by mossies and spiders.
Me me me

Think of the poor gnats for a minute. They don't have a forum to complain about the crusty old goat they just munched on!

I too am struggling with bites, I used witch hazel a few days ago (applied with cotton wool) and this did help alot.

Got a new bite just started now though !! will have to wait till I get home !
You need to keep some 'thatch' on your rear garden Mull, if only to provide some "purchase".

The simple act of walking can become a cha cha cha without.
Might be worth it. I went to A&E not too long ago about a suspected fractured leg (was fine) and asked in passing for the doc to look at a bite on my arm which was swelling by the day and received an "aaarghh that's infected" response, and, get these antibiotics down your neck and come back in 3 days if it's not gone down. That was all from some innocent raking in the garden as well. It's getting wild up in the north west I tells ya.

