
****, ****, ****, ****ing, ****

I have stopped going in my nearest supermarket, a Morrison's, for exactly this reason. Cheese at one end, milk the other. It's all about increasing your path length as you go through the store. The final straw was that biscuits for cheese are 3 aisles across and one aisle down from sweet biscuits, and after 10 minutes of fruitless wandering I was forced to ask. Sod you then, if you're going to be that cynical you'll find I can be cynical too, I'll be in the Asda up the road. Shopping now takes 20 minutes instead of an hour.
Wellington and Christchurch are both places I could live ( tectonic issues aside).

Christchurch is lovely. It's just a bit broken while its undergoing some remodeling. Folk are getting on with life there, either adopting a 4x4 or replacing suspension consumables on regular cars more often. and they complain about traffic. takes their mind off of the EQC and having their houses fixed. I admire their strength.

Wellington is a big village, with extremes of quite nice weather and horizontal rain, storm-force winds, freezing gales from antartica, and a you-beaut natural harbour. Used to win prizes as the shakiest place in the country, and since the 70's we've been bowling old buildings that would kill people should a good shake happen, and replacing them with modest modern buildings that should be a bit safer. Christchurch has rightfully won the mantle of the place with a whole lotta shakin goin on. We're left with a group of buildings that shrug off decent rubles with just a few cracks, and a film industry looking for work.

On the whole, we need folk who want to live here and be part of it, so come on down. #8 )
I decided to take movember off this year. hmmm, down here it's not just about mental health but abut getting your prostate checked as well.

Here's Chopper talking about getting your brown wings:

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