
If the government really wanted to reduce public spending...

That's the case I was thinking about too- M'lud seems to have been exhasperated with the paucity of gray matter in front of him.
We don't yet have legislation in place to prevent discrimination on the grounds of stupidity, do we?
It could start by not sending people to jail for crimes like this:

A jail sentence in this instance is just a punishment pour encourager les autres - authoritarian idiocy. Unpaid work would be more approriate.ences

Non-persistent, non-violent crime or crimes where there is no on-going risk to public safety should not carry custodial sentences.

The prison population could be halved if this were the case. How much would that save the UK taxpayer?

Absurd Steven.:rolleyes:

They deserve custodial sentences for considering themselves above the law.
People who are able to view situations dispassionately and without being prejudiced. Prejudice is a wholly different proposition to not having any prior or background knowledge of a particular case.

You are funny Steven.

Shame you don't mean to be.:rolleyes:
Absurd Steven.:rolleyes:

They deserve custodial sentences for considering themselves above the law.

I think the concept of specific criteria that should apply in order for a custodial sentence to be given was lost on you.

The role of prison should be to incapacitate where this is clearly in the public interest not to punish (retribute and deter.)

Other deterrents/punishments exist that are more constructive, productive, rehabilitative and visible. They also don't cost the taxpayer.

Think about this one dispassionately, intellectually and logically rather than vengefully.

This exchange is becoming transactional.
Community service aka unpaid work is also a great leveller and like fines benefits the taxpayer whereas prison costs the taxpayer.


Agree with the principle, but is there not a cost associated with unpaid work though - supervision, paperwork, placement etc.

I don't know but it might mean that the custodial sentence is actually more cost effective.

I was also of the impression that actually getting the money paid for fines is not an easy process either
It could start by not sending people to jail for crimes like this:

A jail sentence in this instance is just a punishment pour encourager les autres - authoritarian idiocy. Unpaid work would be more approriate.

Non-persistent, non-violent crime or crimes where there is no on-going risk to public safety should not carry custodial sentences.

The prison population could be halved if this were the case. How much would that save the UK taxpayer?

A more sensible outcome would have been making them subsidise the cost of a retrial, I reckon.


