
Humphrey Littleton RIP

just found a quote on Mrs Trellis' website:

"What a delight it was to be pleasured by Humphrey's horn the other night and isn't it great that he can still get it up after all these years"
just a nudge for the next player...

Mortimer's Bakerloo Gambit is allowed and therefore Elephant& Castle counts treble!
There's a tribute to the man himself just starting now on Radio 4 (09.00).

There was also some nice footage last night on Jools Holland's TV show, Humph playing with Big Joe Turner in the 1960s. Will probably be repeated on Friday's version.

Hi Alex, v. well thanks! How about you?
Just like to add my tribute to the life of this man.

Not so familiar with the ISAHAC side of his life but very familiar with the Jazz side of things, having seen him regularly over the years and listened on a Monday night for years to his Jazz prog on radio 2.

Loved his open feelings towards all branches of Jazz and you were just as likely to hear Archie Shepp as Lester Young, Bix beiderbecke as Wynton Marsalis etc etc. He was open to it all and this came across in the way he talked. He was still a fan after all those years.

And look at all those years. To remain at the fore of the British Jazz scene and maintain a band playing Jazz for so long is an incredible tribute to the man. The people who have played with his band through the years have been like a whose who of British Jazz for 50 or so years.

Huge respect and thanks for the life of "Humph"

thoughts are with his family.
One to make you smile - a friend of my parents was a medical student in the60s. They were having a noisy student party in or near a hotel when there came a knock at the door. Outside stood Humph L himself, he said "I've been trying to sleep for the last 2 hours, but I can't because of all the racket you are making. I've therefore decided that if I can't beat you I may as well join you, so if I get my trumpet can I come in?" Happily the person at the door said "yes" and he was brought in, given a drink and he then played a few tunes till the wee small hours.

