
humming tuna


Hi all

My Creek T40 tuner has a humming transformer and I'm hoping someone will know the cure.
Is the sound quality affected (the hum was there when I got the tuner)? Even if not, it's humming me off and I want rid of it.
From new my NAD had a buzzy transformer.

The only real cure is a new transformer - you just need to measure the AC volts on the secondaries and note the no. of connections to work out a replacement.

Is there much room inside, if there isn't maybe Creek would help out with a replacement?

My NAD has a larger toroid in it now, much better than the weedy transformer NAD fitted, it sounds better for it too.

There are a number of possible cures, you can try. Though few will completl eliminate the problem.
The causes can be else where ...frigdge freezers, local industry etc.
If the cause is internal try adjusting the bolt...[I'm asuming a toroid here] placing extra rubber sheet under the clamp may help. The watch word here is care as if you over tighten the bolt and hear the tell tail plink as the toroid's a replacement job.

External influences, the only true way is a mains conditioner downstream of the problem, and treating the offending appliance with a supressor.
I personally do not like mains filters as they tend to play harry with the dynamics[well all the ones I've tried].

Part of the problem is id'ing the cause though !
I have owned my Creek tuner since 1985 (bought new) and it has always had a slight hum/buzz. It makes more noise than my nap250 and hicap put together and they are all on the same mains spur. However it still works well and sounds fairly good.
Thanks for all the replies.

d m butcher – you didn’t consider changing your tuner when you got it; surely not all T40s do this (my Creek amp doesn’t)?

How loud is your buzz? I can hear mine from several feet and, of course, now I’m aware of it, it’s impossible to ignore.
This unit has always had a slight hum, more than the Creek amp it originally partnered. If the room is very quiet it can be heard from about 18 - 24 inches. However it does vary and I am not sure if its my levels of sensitivity or the mains to blame. I do turn the unit off when I am not listening to the radio so it has never bothered me. It is possible that it has got worse over time as it is 18 years old but I think it was always a Hummer! The Creek amp was still quieter the last time I used it.

As a footnote to this, I recently acquired a mid eighties nap250 and when that is turned on it can really hum and buzz BUT it very soon settles down as it warms up. The Creek Tuner does not seem to be so temperature sensitive but perhaps I will experiment and leave it on for a day or two and report back.


