
How ironic



Having massive problems with my tax at the moment and HMRC have just asked me to send them a copy of my eP60 as they don't have a copy.

Irony - it's an eP60 i.e electronic p60 and they have insisted I post it to them as they cannot accept any emailed documents. It's a watermarked PDF and they prefer a printed version from my inkjet at home.

Whichever company is doing the IT for HMRC must be reaming them sideways.
So they want you to send them a printed copy of electronic confirmation PDF they produced for you when you submitted your end of year PAYE return?
Has anyone else notice the HMRC has become a lot more aggressive over the last few years? I guess it is a sign of the times given the current budget deficit.
Has anyone else notice the HMRC has become a lot more aggressive over the last few years? I guess it is a sign of the times given the current budget deficit.

Definitely they are going through people's historical records now looking for mistakes. I got a £4,500 tax bill in 2011 for a company car I had in 2007/8/9 where my company messed up the p11d value after I had told the tax office about my new car. Because it was over £2,800 they refused to take it off my tax free allowance for the following year or agree a repayment plan. They gave me 30 days to repay or go to court, after weeks of trying to work with them I just said take me to court I can't pay it back in one go they then agreed a repayment plan over 6 months.

Since Dec 2012 I have overpaid tax to the amount of £2,500 but they couldn't explain why. Just this week they have found the reason. My tax code should be 577L and HMRC and my payslip say it is but apparently the system is calculating my tax based on a K291 code that the RTI PAYE is sending.

I hired a tax account who went through everything and found the problem. He also found that they had overcharged me by £800 in the original £4,500 underpayment.

So HMRC now owe me a £3,300 refund but are they giving it back to me, no it is being added to my tax free allowance for 2014/15

The only things certain in life are death and being prison raped by HMRC
Yes, but only to easy targets - that will be ordinary men in the street and small businesses. If you are Vodafone (to name but one) and decide that your corporation tax is too much and you don't fancy paying it, they let you off most of it.
Ah yes any idea how much it cost vodafone to buy Cable & Wireless?

