
how good are AE2 speaker


ignorance is bliss


i love big book shelves and these classic AE2 looks stunning
In the early 90's i heard them on the end of a Pink Triangle PT2 turntable and a monster musical fidelity class A amp (A370?) and they sounded very good indeed. I think they are quite sensitive to positioning & stands.
I had a pair of black AE2s like in the top photograph at the top of the thread with some Quad amps in 2002 and they were excellent - very very good. I'd love to hear a pair now.
Not as coherent as the AE1 I seem to remember. I bought the AE1 after a dem and they were great on the end of some TagMclaren. G
I demmed them both, preferred the AE1 which I bought and enjoyed for 20 odd years. Mad people stacked AE1s rather than consider the 2s. The wattage depends on level and room size, of course - a NAP110 was a surprisingly happy combination. A problem with original versions is the rubber cone surround perished quickly and you had to buy new drivers, which were expensive. Newer drivers had less perishable rubber but some swore they sounded worse.

Having said all that, Shahinian Super Elves showed them the door, and the Neat Momentum 3i sent the elves scurrying.
and they need a lots of watts up them.[/QUOTE]

No they don't, they are a lot more sensitive than the AE1's. Obviously a 4 ohm load, though, so some current is required.

There are a number of different versions of the AE2, the design was refined over time. Some had Elac tweeters, some Seas, both types are very good. Later AE2's had a simplified crossover design with 12 dB/octave filters instead of the original 24 dB types.

The first version was very much a speaker in the flat earth mould. Not at all neutral, but fast, dynamic and capable of revealing rhythmic subtleties that many speakers miss.

I did, however, find them very room sensitive. Lack of bass was a common problem.

Given the choice, and compatibility of room size and amp power, I'd take the AE1 over the AE2.

The AE2's will go louder, with less voltage, so in a larger space might be the better choice.

The dedicated stands are necessary to get the best from the AE2's.

The common aluminium coned woofers suffer from foam rot, but appropriate replacement surrounds are readily available.

Both these speakers were the product of single-minded engineers, not marketing people, which makes a nice change. Plenty of integrity under the skin.
Although not all disastrous, AE started with the AE1 and pretty much went downhill from there.
never heard the AE2. but i think it will sound punchy and tight with adequate power.

AE1 doesn't look impressive to it bigger brother
The issue is that amplifiers are specified into 8R load. A 50W/8R that can comfortably drive 100W into 4R requires a current limit of over 7A. A 100W/8R can have as low as 5A current limit and only drive 4R load to 50W. The first amplifier will drive these AE2s better.

