
How Britain works

How Britain works in comparison with other countries/continents is an interesting conundrum. My Colombian family and contacts are devastated that (in their words) communism has prevailed in the presidential election last weekend with naivety of those who have voted it in, to the point that they are drastically changing their lives now as much and as quickly as they can and in some cases emigrating.

They say it is sweeping across South America in a terrifying manner. Hard for us to judge over here and very little reporting but this kind of broader perspective always tempers my view on our British shortcomings and our constant whingeing about our country and politics, even though it does come up short of course and power favours the few.
What is it about the philosophy of living in a fairer, more just society that your friends object to so strongly?
Ks - Interesting and closed question type of reply, assumes your supposition is correct and that they are against that.

Db - they are not against a left wing president and social justice VP, they say it’s a lot deeper and more concerning than that.
I’d not want communism by any stretch, but a far more pressing issue is the fascism that is spreading like wildfire across the USA, UK and even parts of Europe. The USA are at least trying to fight it with the Jan 6th hearings etc, the UK seems to be warmly welcoming it.
How Britain works in comparison with other countries/continents is an interesting conundrum. My Colombian family and contacts are devastated that (in their words) communism has prevailed in the presidential election last weekend with naivety of those who have voted it in, to the point that they are drastically changing their lives now as much and as quickly as they can and in some cases emigrating.

They say it is sweeping across South America in a terrifying manner. Hard for us to judge over here and very little reporting but this kind of broader perspective always tempers my view on our British shortcomings and our constant whingeing about our country and politics, even though it does come up short of course and power favours the few.

Like many other countries, Colombia has rejected the middle ground and shifted to the outer reaches of the political spectrum, in this case: to the left. It's not a welcome development (LATAM is littered with failed left-wing governments) but he is keen to work with the US (at the expense of today's current poster child for failed left-wing governments, Venezuela), and he needs to get a fragmented Congress on-side. He may have to moderate his views and policies to stay in power.
That's a very odd article by Adonis. He uses the phrase 'modern freemasonry' as a salacious-sounding hook, but ends up arguing about a 'closed elite'. I think he means 'class', the word that dare not speak its name in 21st century politics. Personally, I'm more troubled by the influence of class in the UK than the influence of Freemasonry.

Despite credible reports of Freemasonry within Westminster (, there's not much evidence of actual power. Anyway, putting aside my natural suspicion of
  • secretive groups
  • cult-like ceremonies
  • male/female segregation (United Grand Lodge of England is male-only)
  • obligatory adherence to the idea of a supernatural god (no atheists or agnostics allowed)
perhaps Freemasons are 'undeservedly stigmatised', as argued here (Metro) by the UGLE.

If only we could stop stigmatising secretive, cult-like organisations that like to give the impression of wielding behind-the-scenes power, perhaps we could all be friends?

I think Adonis is using 'freemasonry' as a loose description rather than in the sense of real, actual Freemasons with their funny handshakes and silly aprons.

My guess is that Adonis had to make it slightly ambiguous so that the Freemasons don't come after him and sacrifice him to Jahbulon/Baphomet for blowing their cover. Very clever of Lord Adonis.
More on the Johnson/Carrie corruption story and just how rotten to the core the Daily Mail is (London Economic). One could argue the Daily Mail has actually managed to get worse since it so openly supported Hitler, Oswald Moseley etc. It has never been anything other than Der Stürmer and if I was a newsagent I’d unquestionably refuse to stock it (along with the Express and Sun). Darcre is a less subtle Goebbels. A seemingly unflushable turd in the toilet bowl that is the modern Tory Party.
I’d not want communism by any stretch, but a far more pressing issue is the fascism that is spreading like wildfire across the USA, UK and even parts of Europe. The USA are at least trying to fight it with the Jan 6th hearings etc, the UK seems to be warmly welcoming it.
I find it sad that in the 21st century we are still confronted by either. What is about human nature that just won’t evolve in an intelligent manner and insists on imposing Neanderthal control systems on as much of the world as it can?
I find it sad that in the 21st century we are still confronted by either. What is about human nature that just won’t evolve in an intelligent manner and insists on imposing Neanderthal control systems on as much of the world as it can?
It isn’t human nature. In the case of Colombia it was political intervention by the US that created division then exploited it for their own advantage.
My guess is that Adonis had to make it slightly ambiguous so that the Freemasons don't come after him and sacrifice him to Jahbulon/Baphomet for blowing their cover. Very clever of Lord Adonis.

he might be a double mason agent......
I find it sad that in the 21st century we are still confronted by either. What is about human nature that just won’t evolve in an intelligent manner and insists on imposing Neanderthal control systems on as much of the world as it can?

Despite human intellect and the opposable thumb, our much vaunted scientific, technological and artistic acheivements, perhaps we're still conditioned more by the 'R Complex' than we'd like to think. ;)

It isn’t human nature. In the case of Colombia it was political intervention by the US that created division then exploited it for their own advantage.

It says a lot about USA recent history that I believe that without bothering to check.
Why are Boris Johnson's finances always so desperate? If I could make £50k a night waffling on at after dinner speeches I'd be absolutely ****ing minted.
Chicken feed, as he’d say. No good being rich if your the poorest rich person out of everyone you hang out with.
Yes, "rich" is a relative term. If you hang out with, emulate and aspire to be someone whose back garden is most of *shire or whose family has owned banks or a business empire for the last seven generations or so, then no amount of speaking engagements are going to really make you "rich".

If you then couple that with a generally careless attitude and lack of ability to live within your means, then I think you are pretty much there in terms of explanations ;)
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