
Houdini - anyone?


pfm Member
Yes, I know, duplication of threads, but surely there must be a fishie who has tried one?

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Does it work on an Ittok LVIII with hyperelliptical tipped A&RP77 ? I´m too old to go faffing about investigating.
After all of the initial hype and aggressive social media marketing, there seems to be very few people taking about it. That makes me think is perhaps not the great tonearm performance leveller that it was cracked up to be. Like many things in hifi - it might improve your system or it might not. For me, the silence from satisfied Houdini users is deafening ;)
For me, the silence from satisfied Houdini users is deafening

Likewise here, but firsthand comment and comparison would be very interesting.

Short of comment otherwise, i think that this will be the last nail in the coffin here on PFM.........................
I guess to make a decent trial of such a thing, you need to have a height adjustable arm that can compensate for the extra thickness.

I am not enough of aficionado to think it worth a go - but I can see some logic behind it, and Funk are not known as purveyors of hot air or foo.
Go for it Vinny. I wouldn’t mind a go myself but my (Funk) arm is already a bit heavy for my cart.

Arthur did say that it was a way to upgrade a modest tonearm, but if somone volunteers to lend me a houdini................
There's nothing more likely to turn me off a product. I won't be giving it a try any time soon.
i dont think you're missing much,certainly not in the 'looks' department at least.....
Allowing for the fact that it costs 60% of what my turntable cost me, my automatic price-related scepticism kicks in.

Also you could buy two Audio Technica VM95ML cartridges and have change out of £300.
I'm on Arthur's mailing list as I needed some spares for my LSD. Had hard marketing some time ago, but nothing recently.
I don't think there would be enough adjustment on my Funk arm even if I was remotely interested.

