
HM The Queen in tax scandal!

Rich, relax- there's no shame in being a non-dom landlord, these are bigger fish. Your gelt pile is relatively inconspicuous- for now anyway.
I thought HM The Queen's dealings were rather pathetic and hardly worth the bother.

The bit about Lord Ashcroft was much more interesting. I hope he gets shafted big time.


the royals make the headlines whilst the real vermin robbing the nation slip under the radar in relative terms.
I thought HM The Queen's dealings were rather pathetic and hardly worth the bother.

The bit about Lord Ashcroft was much more interesting. I hope he gets shafted big time.

Exactly. 13 million documents: this could make the Panama Papers look like a limited leak. Allegedly involved in various tax avoidance schemes: members of Trump's entourage (Wilbur Ross, with interesting links to Russian companies, too; Rex Tillerson; Gary Cohn; Stephen Schwarzmann and other drain-the-swamp characters); Gazprom investment in Facebook and VTB investment in Twitter. And much else besides, such as the little matter of Lord Ashcroft's alleged millions in Belize or somewhere while a resident in the UK.

Maybe a mod could alter the title accordingly.
worth reading the small print

Nothing she has done is illegal in any way and anyway,
she is tax exempt.
Could it be her estate managers were trying to maximise her income...I'd guess they are payed to do that, just like everybody else does.

When is a story not a story?
worth reading the small print

Nothing she has done is illegal in any way and anyway,
she is tax exempt.
Could it be her estate managers were trying to maximise her income...I'd guess they are payed to do that, just like everybody else does.

When is a story not a story?

Exactly. Why castigate people for doing nothing illegal?

This BBC "investigative journalism" is trying to blame people who are doing nothing that is against any law. The BBC should be harassing HMRC for doing nothing to stop it.
Agreed. It is a government issue. The government clearly knows about the tax loopholes and chicanery as they are widely exploited by exceptionally wealthy party members and backers like Lord Ashcroft. This one is on Theresa May’s desk. It is her government policy that Ashcroft etc pay no tax and as a result of inadequate state finance people sleep rough on our streets, A&E departments or whatever close. The whole thing needs viewing as a very deliberate and cynical government strategy to appease its wealthy owners and backers. Exactly the deliberately venal and divisive policies one would expect from a class warrior party.
Hope springs eternal.
We've had all sorts of Labour governments since WW2, and these tax paradises are still there and in use by British corporations and citizens.
I do hope a Corbyn gov would immediately make all this sort of thing illegal.

The problem is that in this globalised world, unless every country makes it illegal, the money and the business just goes somewhere else and carries on.

I'd like to see the principals treated like pariahs, their businesses' products shunned. Not holding my breath.
Exactly. Why castigate people for doing nothing illegal?

Because there issues which go beyond law.
Like morality. And as head of state/church setting an example of good conduct.
These schemes are synthetic and only exist to circumvent tax.

This BBC "investigative journalism" is trying to blame people who are doing nothing that is against any law. The BBC should be harassing HMRC for doing nothing to stop it.

Auntie is such a swine!

Hold on - I've just remembered something.
The documents were obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which called in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (link).

wtf does that mean?!

"World Taekwondo Federation does that mean?"

Sorry, I don't understand.
Rich, relax- there's no shame in being a non-dom landlord, these are bigger fish. Your gelt pile is relatively inconspicuous- for now anyway.

No shame. Very happy with my role as a landlord. My tenants are happy, my houses are in good shape, I never put the rent up on a tenant and have never had to chuck one out. I always do the certificates and I always send a man with white van to sort problems when they ring up. And not even an alt-right Brexiteer man in white van. My mates from being in bands.

Even had one tenant growing pot in the back bedroom for 4 years or more. Why would I care. Live and let live, provide a good service and worry less about the pension.
I do hope a Corbyn gov would immediately make all this sort of thing illegal.

It seems that both Labour & Tory governments have been equally unsuccessful in this regard for decades. Nevertheless, the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive - which is supposed to come fully into force in 2019 - seems to be slowly tightening the noose.

Unfortunately, the really huge corporate avoiders are the hardest to corner - just look at what Tim Cook brazenly said to whatever committee was questioning him : that not only was Apple complying with all tax law, but also with the spirit of said laws.... utter bollocks, but they're still getting away with it.

