
High End Speaker Cables

KAR 120C

Michael in Hampshire UK
Hi all,
I am currently building up my system and have recently purchased a pair of Isobariks to go with my Naim amp set up. Can anyone recommend a decent wire/cable type to connect speakers to amp please? The cable available from HiFi stockists is expensive. I just wondered if there was a cheaper 'high street' alternative?

I am still on the lookout for a good CD source too. Spend is about £500 - £600. (please note: I havnt ignored you if you have responded to my previous postings for a CD player. Just trying a little closer to home first)

You will have hard time matching a Naim amp with anything other than Naim's own NACA cables, mainly due to inductance.
I second tomek, go for NACA5, it's even considerably cheap.
Is there any difference between NACA5 and the older NACA4 speaker cable? The latter could be even cheaper.
Thank you for your posts,
I will consider either new or secondhand cable and cd source. So long as the condition is good. I suspect I will get a better cd source secondhand within my budget though!
NACA4 and NACA5 do sound very different (from my memories of a very long time ago). To me A5 sounded harsh in comparison. I think anyone who gets tired of the naim olive range 'in yer face' sound, A4 or LK20 could go a long way towards curing it. A4/LK20 can be picked up reasonably cheaply off epay too.
NACA4 and NACA5 do sound very different (from my memories of a very long time ago). To me A5 sounded harsh in comparison. I think anyone who gets tired of the naim olive range 'in yer face' sound, A4 or LK20 could go a long way towards curing it. A4/LK20 can be picked up reasonably cheaply off epay too.

Thanks, I'll hold on to my NACA4 then and find a good use for it instead of selling it for a song.
Re cd players, you'll get a lot more for your money buy not going Naim. if you think a more digital future awaits you then look for a CD player with digital inputs as well as outputs.

