
Hifi Wigwam status on/off

The Wigwam site needs to do some serious maintenance my view its not safe or secure at present.

Using a certain browser I am blocked from the site due to trojans and other dodgy software identified.

Using another computer and another less secure browser and I get redirected to an adult friend finder site!!!
Just slipped in with noscript, adblock and a few other things set to 11 and no trouble. May not visit again;)
The problems they are having is God's way of hinting that they have been foolish.

They should repent and make amends.
The most controversial thread on the 'wam at the moment is about dogs and whether to feed them raw cats.


This is the dawning of a new age, there is an important opportunity for the monetisation of dog related content on Hifi fora. The time of the cats has passed...

Be More Dog!
If they go on this way interest in the site will dwindle to but a trickle. Eventually even the Swedish place will exceed their traffic. If the site is to recover to it's days of glory, cats must be restored to centre stage.
My middle daughter has a cat very similar to the ginger one, Charlie is his name, (given to him by Cat's Protection) I call him Charles though, he's very affectionate. My daughter has recently moved into a second floor flat but each day she goes for a walk around the block and Charles follows her like a dog. :)

ah yeah, our milo is also very affectionate and a big softy, but loves to mix it up with dexter andis fun to watch... dexter has a trick of simple walking across milos back when he's lying down... :D
yep, Request Timeout

This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'.

They must be trying too much new software thingies too soon.

The website needs to be built solidly from the ground up.
It needs a solid foundation of cats, otherwise it just turns into a directionless mess.
It works for me too now. I can see it through the window. Trouble is, I can't seem to get in the flap any more.
Well, the "Cloffo-Worm" does have a ring to it.

CNET headline : " Cloffo-Worm thought to be work of the Iranians ......
yet many still say Mossad ..... "
If they go on this way interest in the site will dwindle to but a trickle. Eventually even the Swedish place will exceed their traffic. If the site is to recover to it's days of glory, cats must be restored to centre stage.

My interest is dwindling. I'm willing the place to pull itself together, but it has become largely humourless. Like some deserted mining town, with tumbleweed blowing down the main street, past the boarded-up shops. Suddenly I'm acutely aware its a load of middle-aged blokes talking about amps and valves, as opposed to a hilariously abstract battleground of wit and banter. You need to do something. Seriously. Or maybe it's just the way things go..

