
Hifi engine access and download help

just an idea

pfm Member

Could someone with access to hifi engine download the Sansui 3000 service bulletin for me please?

I used to have an account but can't log in anymore and unable to reset my password.
Try switching off any vpn and also if using apple suspend private relay in iCloud settings
It's because hifi engine won't allow any new accounts; it's been this way for a few years. There's no issue if you had an account before they put this block in place. My account was through a work email that I no longer use.

I can usually find services manuals else where but can't see this service bulletin to download anywhere other than hifi engine.

I am out at the moment (having just seen Jethro Tull in concert and making my way home) but I can do this for you once I am back, if you haven't already had some help.
I have just been locked out after many years there. My login linked email is shut down so no way back in
I was blocked by some password policy change. My old password was unique and quite strong, but no special characters.
I never recycle passwords between sites.
Fortunately some of us are still able to get in - surprised I am still as I have been moving between countries a lot in the last 2 years and there was something introduced about changing IP address a couple of years ago.
It is a wonderful resource.

I have saved quite a few files from there but of course that can only represent a miniscule amount of the gold contained therin.
Ini adalah sumber daya yang luar biasa.

Saya telah menyimpan beberapa file dari sana tetapi tentu saja itu hanya mewakili sejumlah kecil emas yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Mohon bantuannya gan, untuk dikirimkan file manual service Crest Audio 8001, file yang tidak bisa diakses & didownload di mesin HiFi. Terima kasih banyak

