
HiFi consumers . . . slightly ranty

Funny how every website you frequent ends up with something similar, you being either banned or moved to another area. Mea culpa? Mea knows exactly what mea is doing.
Can I suggest not making your potential customer base aware of the new site until it is 100% ready to go live? I see you have it linked in your sig as well. Best to link to the old one and keep the new one under wraps. It has not for instance reversed my position as a potential client having been exposed to it.
If by 'crap' you mean 'unfinished', then yes, it is. Funnily enough, Gradient was one of the few brands I'd not heard of until recently.

From (approximately) the same part of the world (geographically) as Coconut Audio . . .

Why expose us to it before its finished.... you are making such a good impression on us here.

I would be very interested in hearing the Gradient speakers.... you are not listed on Gradient's website as a dealer. Do you have any available for demo?

And do you think you will still be in business in 6 months?
Item, your problem is a shrinking customer base. If you take all of the audiophiles in the universe and subtract those that know what they are doing, that hardly leaves you any customers!

Your Pal
1. It helps if you have a shop where people can buy stuff or kick the products.

2. How many new companies will be in business next year.

3. i use joomla and it's all right.

This link answers the OP's original question.

These sorts of utter shite, snake-oil garbage are enough to stop me looking anywhere else on his site instantly.

Selling these products is theft ,plain and simple.

Barrow boys and market traders have to adhere to stricter rules than these, so called, HI-Fi salesmen... they even make estate agents look honourable.
We're very proud to be be appointed the first European distributor for Coconut Audio's breakthrough shielding, vibration-damping and current acceleration products, as well as their new patent-pending Exeres resolution enhancement technology.

Item, your website is pure comedy!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA. I mean this in a good life affirming way.
I'd give the guy chance to respond before slating him too much. I can't imagine they're being serious with that page - the names and descriptions read very tongue-in-cheek..
Of course! Let's role play: if you were going to get a job in the audio trade, which brands would you represent?

I'm sure it would be both profitable and a pleasure to work with new and smaller suppliers of a similar outlook to myself. I would try and sell the positives of that and not attack the big ol vested interests. They have a lot of customers who would want to be wooed rather than chastised.....
This link answers the OP's original question.

These sorts of utter shite, snake-oil garbage are enough to stop me looking anywhere else on his site instantly.

Selling these products is theft ,plain and simple.

Barrow boys and market traders have to adhere to stricter rules than these, so called, HI-Fi salesmen... they even make estate agents look honourable.

Joe, its clearly just a joke!
To be honest, we pretend to be Coconut Audio resellers. In truth, we buy their products, reverse-engineer them - make them ourselves with inferior parts, then sell them with an official-looking label.

Our production standards aren't as high as the original product: we cut a few corners to bring the price down. I mean, you don't get Stones of Clarity without some serious wallet pain from the manufacturer: you get what you pay for.

But if you're looking for the same level of performance as the Coconut products - only cheaper - our 'replica' versions are almost as good.

We also undertake infant chocolate theft by commission. Gotta make a living, right?

Here's Patrick on the Exeres hearing programme:
“On tourmaline: “Normal electronic devices that run on AC/DC power generate electromagnetic radiation which harms the body. We eliminate this harmful radiation by powering our devices with Tourmaline. Tourmaline Powder can persistently release negative ions, emit far infrared ray and generate 0.06mA biological current. Hence it can purify air, accelerate the microcirculation of the body, adjust the balance of the body, resist bacterium and diminish inflammation, resist fatigue, soothe the nerves and quiet breath, and build up body health. We at Coconut-Audio have never been healthier since we started having Tourmaline products nearby. In fact, we have noticed an increase in brain performance and ear resolution.”

On various other drugs: “Our Agel product is used to boost up the hearing during your listening session, but what about the rest of the time? We have tried many different power foods and none of them were as good as the Spirulina that we are selling. The 2nd place was Goji berries which we ate a lot of, but they were nowhere near as powerful as Spirulina. Our Spirulina tablets have been specially selected for audiophile usage, the tables are smaller (250mg) and they are fresher than other brands, this gives higher listening performance. They come from a secret uninhabited lake in China and arrive to us in 1 litre bottles.”
Item, your website is pure comedy!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA. I mean this in a good life affirming way.

What's so funny? The implication from another poster is that we're a fly by night operation that won't be in business next year, or that only sells to the gullible. This is slanderous and preposterous and venomous and obstreperous. As you'll see from our 'credentials' page, nothing could be further from the truth:

PS: if you follow the link, you'll save me the bother of adding smileys to telegraph the intent of every post . . .
I was asking a serious question - do you expect to be in business 6 months from now?
Given that you've managed to antagonize quite a few potential customers with this thread the question is quite fair. Not only that: you've proudly provided a link to a website which is no-where near being ready and makes you look very naive and unprofessional.

I really would genuinely like to hear those Gradient speakers - but at present I cannot possibly think that doing business with you would be in any way sensible. Sorry.

