
Help needed - vintage Acoustical / Quad valve equipment repair-restoration outfits in UK and/or Europe


New Member
Hello and Greetings one and all -

I am hoping that a few of you might be able to help me in my search and quest to know about any outfits (individuals or businesses) who will be able to help me to correctly repair-restore-refurbish a few vintage valve items from Acoustical / Quad that I have but which are, at present, in very poor cosmetic (physical) condition and likely require (need) a full overhaul-servicing by way of a repair-restoration-refurbishing in order to render them safe and reliable for present-day use.

Ideally, as the equipment is manufactured in England, I would be delighted to know of persons or audio repair shops IN England / UK; however, if there are any dedicated and competent entities in Western Europe, I could consider those as well - my main (sole) aim is to revive and resuscitate these wonderful audio equipment pieces from around 60 years ago so that they are safe and reliable for me to use and enjoy for the next several years going forward. I hope then that some of you will be able to assist and point me in the right direction - thank you (in advance) and best wishes, of course !


Ronnie K. Marker
(Mumbai - INDIA)

