
Headphone comfort - is there a clear winner


pfm Member
I guess that we may have had this topic before, and not wishing to open a fresh can of worms, I'm just wondering if there is any consensus on which manufacturers or which particular models are know for their comfort and the ability to wear them for a decent period of time e.g. 3+ hours.

I have some AGK 550s which I like, but I do find that possibly due to their weight(?) that I find that I have a limit of about 2 hours before I desperately need to pull them off.
I found Senn 600 and 650s comfy, listening sessions > 3 hrs.
I now use Senn HD800s, which while more costly, are the most comfy phones I've used, I can listen for > 5 hrs without fatigue or feeling pressure on my head etc.
When everyone is a clone in respect of head size/shape/sensitivity then a consensus might happen.

General Isation

I prefer HD600 to HD800 and in ear misery.
HD800s - most comfortable headphones I've tried. I quickly forget I am wearing them. HD600s and AKGs that I've had are much more obviously on my ears and far less comfortable.
Sennheiser 650s with a cracked headband is the clear winner; I can wear for 72 hours+ ;0)

I obviously never meant to crack the headband but I was flexing the earpads apart to see how flexible the headband was and it cracked in the middle at the top. This happened about 8 years ago and fwiw, the headband shows no signs of snapping in half, but a happy consequence is the pressure on my head is absolutely perfect! :)
The Sony mdr1 have the best earpiece pivots and ergonomics I've ever used. So much so that since their release they've been copied by many other brands.
The Sony mdr1 have the best earpiece pivots and ergonomics I've ever used. So much so that since their release they've been copied by many other brands.

Without a doubt the comfiest headphones I've used. Been known to actually forget I'm wearing them & walk off nearly dragging the laptop onto the floor :D
With the leather pads attached, the Stax Lambda range are extremely comfortable and light. You can forget you're wearing them.
Thanks guys - seems to be a reasonable consensus for the 800's, though slightly eye-watering price by my usual standards - on the other hand the Sony's seem too cheap, so could be worth a punt knowing that my daughter will appreciate them if I find they are not keepers.

I've always planned to look into obtaining a Stax system, possibly as a treat when I retire, so yes they will go onto my list.

I can only speak of the Sennies and by a country mile the 700s are the most comfy having owned and used the 650s and tried the 800s(that head band makes them feel heavy after a while IMHO).
I have a bedside headphone amp driving a pair of HD-600's and I've fallen asleep with them on. I realize that's incredibly nerdy...and dangerous, but they're fantastic

