
Has Apple pulled ahead ?


pfm Member
Quite surprised that there is no chat about Apple Intelligence announcement at WWDC. Is it less significant than some think ?
The discussion is mainly on the M4 iPad Pro thread, plus a bit on an old Logic Pro thread. It is quite interesting. I suspect Apple’s implementation will be both useful and transparent in many ways even if a lot doesn’t appeal to me personally (e.g. I don’t use Siri). I linked a couple of very good YouTube videos from Marques Brownlee and Snazzy Labs which I’m on the same page as. The area I have been playing around is in Logic Pro, and some aspects are very good out the gate (e.g. Mastering Assistant), others I’ll have to learn to make better use of.
I don't use Siri either. But Apple now want us to believe that Siri is about to get seriously useful. That their implementation of AI is the game changer because they have the hardware, the software and the personal data.
Of course we haven't even seen it yet but there is a buzz...
My kids will attest that I don't use most of what my IPhone can do now so I hope others have a better understanding.
I read a piece on it yesterday…

They have around 2 billion devices 'out there' and have a decent AI privacy story so a good start but they will need to develop some compelling use cases and maintain customer uptake (ChatGBT was wildly popular when it first launched but customers are now losing interest).
They have around 2 billion devices 'out there' and have a decent AI privacy story so a good start but they will need to develop some compelling use cases and maintain customer uptake (ChatGBT was wildly popular when it first launched but customers are now losing interest).

I suspect they have by integrating AI into real-world UI refinement. I linked this video in the other thread, it is worth a watch:

The key point he makes is if Apple are correct and their AI can actually grasp ‘intent’. If that is the case and it really can join the dots in the way the example in the keynote describes, and do that sort of thing reliably, then they are onto something. Too many people are thinking of AI as a big scary sci-fi monster thing. My suspicion is Apple are thinking of it as another level of user interface design and end-user convenience.

Just done a piece for work on AI sentiment analysis and learning... with exactly the above sort of scenario in mind.
I suspect they have by integrating AI into real-world UI refinement. I linked this video in the other thread, it is worth a watch:

The key point he makes is if Apple are correct and their AI can actually grasp ‘intent’. If that is the case and it really can join the dots in the way the example in the keynote describes, and do that sort of thing reliably, then they are onto something. Too many people are thinking of AI as a big scary sci-fi monster thing. My suspicion is Apple are thinking of it as another level of user interface design and end-user convenience.

A lot of companies with an interest in AI are looking at intent/use cases/relevance. Whether Apple can understand/capture/deliver intent etc better than its competitors remains to be seen of course but it already has some significant advantages vs competitors: the user base/data, integrated offer, privacy focus, product line, proximity the consumer, the UI and the brand so the future looks bright. Making Apple Intelligence the gatekeeper to the broader AI world could also potentially work in Apple's favour.

