
Harbeth Monitor 40.1

Joe P

Memory Alpha incarnate | mod; Shatner number = 2
Heard them briefly today, minutes after they were unboxed.

Let me just say this —



Good. Very.

I've liked the small Harbeths I've heard — the P3ESR and the Compact 7ES-3 — but being small speakers they weren't the last word in scale and bass depth.

The Monitor 40.1 nicely addresses those deficiencies.


But which Tannoy?

DMT 215, FSM, Westminster Royal SE, Autograph,...

Imagine then what they'll be like when they're run-in!

What was driving them?
Bub — I'm not looking for speakers. I was at the local hi-fi shop to check out the new jazz LPs, right around the time the shop owner was unboxing the Monitor 40.1s. I had a brief listen, then raised an eyebrow all Spock-like.

Yank — An Ayre CD player and a Moon integrated. I'm not familiar with the models.

Going back to the Tannoys after hearing the Harbeths must be like going back to impulse after experiencing warp drive?


Good. Very.

I've liked the small Harbeths I've heard — the P3ESR and the Compact 7ES-3 — but being small speakers they weren't the last word in scale and bass depth.

The Monitor 40.1 nicely addresses those deficiencies.

I bet you won't ever consider selling the GRF's and replacing with any Harbeths!

You might be interested to know that they would fetch between 10 and 15K (GBP) in a Tokyo dealers these days.
darryl, markus et al, have you had chance to compare the two?

I get fed up of being dictated to in the choice of components by the type of music I listen to which extends from choral to the Clash.

If a speaker can't rock & roll it ain't IMO a speaker!
i like both speakers to be honest but would choose neither for my own use at home.
what's the rest of your system and how is your room ? big unfurnished or small and soft and non reflective for example....

