
Half-Kitschy Fall Pictures (WARNING: one them not office safe)


\o/ choose anarchy
i would also very much like to see what things look like in different parts of the world at this time of year, so please share your shots.

here's my set from the past couple of days:

even some red in there for joel.



notice there are pictures of food here. this sort of thing should be up your alley (in terms of seeing/composing).


thanks! is there one of these that stands out in particular to you?

Gold on Blue is probably my Favourite and Hillslide my least favourite. In fact all the fauna shots on the blue background are really good.

Thats from this batch of shots anyway
Which one isn't office safe? Is it the one of the red pepper? I like that one.

Out of all of them, I'd soonest put Previous Life or Secret Voyage, 1572 on my wall. But then, I know dip about art, pretty much.
I would agree with your choice, k. I also know dip about art, but I know what I like.

i generally agree with your comments about my pics, so your understanding of art must be excellent. "secret voyage, 1572" is my fav of the set.


p.s. red pepper indeed. will be tossing it into a salad tonight (necessary after putting my finger through the side while trying to deform the thing a bit more).

p.p.s. just did this "in studio"...

Fine work Vuk.


PS There is a long tradition of vegtables that look like penises in Engilsh popular culture and we used to hav a TV programme that specialised in this

PPS You know that tossing salad is perhaps an unfortunate euphemism / slang right?
PPS Cartoon Tree made me LOL. It's a ringer for that Czech animation series that scared kids the world over in the 70s.
Vuk, how did you do Hill Slides? I like it but can't work out what it is!

tony, it's just a plant/bush with orange leaves beside a plant/bush with yellow leaves. i shot at about 1/125 and moved the camera diagonally (very quickly) whilst releasing the shutter.

PS There is a long tradition of vegtables that look like penises in Engilsh popular culture and we used to hav a TV programme that specialised in this

it's a woman's back + bottom!

PPS Cartoon Tree made me LOL. It's a ringer for that Czech animation series that scared kids the world over in the 70s.

not familiar with this. do you have a web link? btw--my photo is unmanipulated.

Throws self to lions

Not particularly good, I'm afraid (first two are more records of the flora than anything else, as vuk wanted to see what Autumn looked like over here) - will do better next time. Fantastic example of bad bokeh on that rusty post, innit!

matthew will be along shortly to point out a long horticultural tradition of flowers resembling female...

have you tried different angles/positions with that thing?


that is a great example of bad bokeh. what lens was used?

pic with dogs is nicely composed, but green grass always ruins everything. if you go back when it turns yellow, there will be a nice B&W shot there for the taking.

Thanks vuk.

It's a Sigma 28-105mm f2.8-4 - couple of things in its favour - opens up to f2.8 so gives a nice bright viewfinder image, and it cost me pence on eBay, so is a handy "scratch" (forgive the pun) lens for gigs etc.

Shame that the grass isn't in fact grass - it's young shoots of winter wheat or suchlike - so it will only get taller (and greener) and the nice lines its showing at the moment where the seed was sown will disappear.

