
Had a visit from the Police.

I’m sorry but you need to read it again. Your comment about just giving a uniform to a civilian was incorrect. I’m guessing you’re not a fan of the Police et al.
I am not a fan of unnecessary government intervention in the private lives of citizens in all sorts of forms. The commonality among all such forms of intervention is the people involved will inevitably wish to drive expansion of those interventions as far as they can, usually far beyond the original policy design.
Haha. With my fair tum now, one of those would eat me within 2 days I'd think.

Well unfortunately, the way I'm being harassed (along with abuse), is by as big a dog as a German Shepherd next door (no fault of itself, it's owner using it to harrass me). And tbh I'm a Whippeteer at heart too, quite the polar opposite nature; like greyhounds, briefly nutty but 95% of a day super-mild & gentle.

Anyway did your kids think it all rather exciting with the cops visit, assuming you to be a lunatic bomb bloke etc?


Whippets are lovely natured. My sister has had two, and although I'm not really a dog person any more (can't stand the thought of picking up dog mess), I really like hers. They are completely useless as guard dogs, though.

As for the Police visit, the little ones were both a bit scared. My older boy only comes out of his room for food, so missed it.
For the record, I'm a big fan of old Bill, they are underfunded and not well managed, but, they do work for the ruling classes in the greater part. Stealing from shops or any retail outlet is high priority for them. Joe bloggs is not.

I do think they attract a certain type of person. I'm always polite to the Police, and I respect that certain aspects of their job must be very unpleasant, but I also could never imagine being best mates with a copper.
I do think they attract a certain type of person. I'm always polite to the Police, and I respect that certain aspects of their job must be very unpleasant, but I also could never imagine being best mates with a copper.

Indeed so- my nice welsh PCSO (very chatty- was she revealing a bit more than usual in telling me she's split with hubby 'but still on good terms'-?!) told me with a heavy tone, that she'd seen 4 dead bodies in 11 years. Seemed like it'd taken it's toll; asking if she wanted to progress to a PC she said actually no, despite the pay jump (not much innitially anyway) she'd prefer being a PCSO beacuse of the less serious incidents to attend.

Whippet poop's very manageable: my Dad used to say he'd 'just done the minefield' each morning, in his tiny garden, from their 2 whippets, using a kids placcy spade into a buried earth-filled bucket far cnr of garden, tight lid on. Water the lawn spots & all good (dog owners- this is the best way).

Haha you're son must be a teenager then! How amusing all teenager behaviour follows the same predictable pattern- I remember so fkn lazy & stuck in my room, I used to widdle out my window now & then late pm!! Still amuses me. And the WC was only next door too. Beware FatM, & I'd advocate the wearing of a widdle-proof hat or something. I mean you, not him.


