
HackerNAP/CAP Group Buy now on!

How many of us are still waiting for these boards, might be worth getting a list together to see the extent of the problem.

Not arrived yet -
I estimate about 20 sets of boards have arrived at there destination. But some may have arrived but not reported too. About 50% in total. If the boards got dispatched in groups then this would explain the problem. But if they all went out together, then we have got a problem.

Regards Keith

For the purpose of assurance - I hope - I can confirm receipt of the PCBs which were posted out of Oakland on the 24th December 2012 .... delivered by post in Bonnie Scotland - Airdrie which is located some 13 miles to the East of Glasgow .... and received circa 17 days ago
Nothing recieved in South Lincolnshire - I guess I'd better check my paypal account to make sure the money was actually debited. I remember sending it - but it was all so long ago.

Hope Carl is OK (first and foremost), I does seem very funny though

A number of the UK boards have arrived - it could be those orders over a certain amount being held by customs.

Have they all been sent out?
It certainly could be a customs problem?, I personally dont buy anything from USA now as it gets clobbered for customs VAT an handling charges every time for me :mad:.
I would also say that in my experience with Carl he would never intentionally let anyone down with these group buys and Im sure there is a good reason for these delays and you will all get your boards in the end


