
Grammar Schools?


Finnish primary teachers do a 5 year Masters' degree.

The last time I looked the Tories were allowing their flagship free schools to employ any Tom, Dick or Harry without any qualifications whatsoever.

As for status shifting here I'd like to see any evidence of this.
Ah, the free schools, forgot about them. And 5 years is a long time, it seems they really are going for it. Evidence of changing status I have none: purely impressionistic, based on chit chat at the school gate, attitude of teacher friends, press etc. But my children's teachers are not like my own, of that I'm sure. I am in London mind.
I've finally read the link Stephen put up.

That will take some undoing of our habits. Plus investment governments have been shy of providing. Which party would say "forget what we've been telling you and wait 20 years for the results". I'm not saying they shouldn't (hence we get power stations and Crossrail). Also you get the counter argument of the tiger economies getting just as good results as the Finns but by rote and toughness. At lot of parents will say it worked for them etc (even if it didn't in some cases as behaviours are in their ingrained. Plus the public/grammar school Brooks Universities are ranked very highly. I understand this is only using select data but people do that.

