

Qobuz suggested them to me and I enjoyed them on first listen. I told my mate about them who then proceeded to tell me they're a heavily manufactured band who've had a ton of money put behind them in a rather cynical record label way. I've not been able to listen to them since :rolleyes: Silly, I know. Decent tunes.
And how does he know that? (Genuine question!)
I enjoyed most of the bands and artists that I watched. The sound quality was generally good. And I find there are many more important things to get het up about than flags at Glastonbury. Haven't decided what my highlights were as I haven't watched everything on my list yet.
Qobuz suggested them to me and I enjoyed them on first listen. I told my mate about them who then proceeded to tell me they're a heavily manufactured band who've had a ton of money put behind them in a rather cynical record label way. I've not been able to listen to them since :rolleyes: Silly, I know. Decent tunes.

Last Dinner Party certainly have some hype behind them, no idea how much is label money (they are on Island). The push when the album came out was substantial, it was everywhere.

I still can’t work out what I make of them. I’ve had the album on vinyl for months (the Rough Trade exclusive with extra CD) and I’m still in two minds. There’s something good about it, but also a ‘very posh girls hit the dressing up box after hearing granddad’s glam records’ aspect that puts me off a bit. I was pleased to see them make a political stand at Glastonbury, that warmed me to them a lot. They play very well too, the guitarist in particular nailed it IMO. The album is safe from the pfm record shop for a while longer…
P.S. I won't be rushing out to buy the record but I'm all for posh young people forming glam rock inspired pop groups if it gives them an alternative to a career in the Conservative Party, Prog Rock or whatever accursed genre it is that Mumford & Sons play.
I did a quick google and it seems to be an oft cited thing on the interwebs - which the band dispute. There seems to be a bit of "who are these posh kids signed to a major label and why aren't they making videos on a £200 budget?" thing going on but who knows.

New to me so I just listened to their track Nothing Matters.... goodness!
To be fair, the album's very good, regardless of how it was paid for!
I did a quick google and it seems to be an oft cited thing on the interwebs - which the band dispute. There seems to be a bit of "who are these posh kids signed to a major label and why aren't they making videos on a £200 budget?"

That is the first time I’ve seen suggestion they were manufactured, and I never thought that for a minute. When I said ‘hyped’ I mean they were impossible to miss, just such a buzz about them everywhere. I doubt you can buy that these days, let alone that Island would invest the money to do so.

To put things in perspective Rough Trade still have their exclusive cream vinyl and bonus CD edition of 2000 in stock, it’s been there since 2nd Feb. Given RT have to be the UK’s largest indie by far, have a huge global mail-order business and IIRC even have a store in America I’m really surprised it wasn’t sold-out months ago. Some RT Exclusives of 500 or so sell out within hours.
That is the first time I’ve seen suggestion they were manufactured, and I never thought that for a minute. When I said ‘hyped’ I mean they were impossible to miss, just such a buzz about them everywhere. I doubt you can buy that these days, let alone that Island would invest the money to do so.

To put things in perspective Rough Trade still have their exclusive cream vinyl and bonus CD edition of 2000 in stock, it’s been there since 2nd Feb. Given RT have to be the UK’s largest indie by far, have a huge global mail-order business and IIRC even have a store in America I’m really surprised it wasn’t sold-out months ago. Some RT Exclusives of 500 or so sell out within hours.
Thanks for the tip. I liked it on first listen and I will look forward to delving more into it.
Gave Confidence Man a blast (slightly mental, good fun dance/pop stuff) and Bombay Bicycle Club. Sounded alright.
Love me some Confidence Man. They have a couple of great guest performances on YouTube. Great stuff. Not the best recordings but I don't think audiophiles were the target audience :)

