
General puzzlement thread

I think the number of rev counters that show '-1' are very small, and they are the ones that don't show a zero - it's blank. The first number they show is 1.
It's all pretty silly really.
(Ducati show a zero AND a '-1' because they are idiots)
Octopuses(octopii??) developed the camera type eye independently of us and they don't have the design flaw everyone else has: They don't have a blind spot because the blood vessels run behind the retina instead of in front of it.
Apparently the normal time meat needs to rest before it's consumed is 3 weeks and a the meat in a good restaurant is 5 weeks old. That was a surprise.
Why do some people say 'sickth' and others 'sicksth' for 6th?


Alexander - octopus has a greek root, so show-offs should really say 'octopodes'. 'Octopuses' is fine for the rest of us, though.
Why do ministers in American churches talketh liketh this? Dost it maketh them more holy? Is thy holyeth spiriteth not as holeth if one does noteth?
I think the number of rev counters that show '-1' are very small, and they are the ones that don't show a zero - it's blank. The first number they show is 1.
It's all pretty silly really.
(Ducati show a zero AND a '-1' because they are idiots)

But thorough.. :)

Whales are ****ing stupid. Can you mention one whale in the history of mankind that has had a record in the top ten? Can you? Can you mention one whale who's written the equivalent of, er, 'Othello', Shakespeare, 'Health & Efficiency'? They've produced nothing in the way of literature. All they've ****ing produced is a load of other whales and all they eat is ****ing plankton, and they call them intelligent. Can you imagine drifting along in the sea with your mouth open and a lot of ****ing plankton going in?

You'd like it, would you, just drifting around in the sea? And you can't-, they're such ****s they can't even breathe underwater. They have to keep coming up the whole ****ing time and spouting. Then some **** comes on telly and he says, "Oh, the whale is being wiped out by mankind, save the ****ing whales." Well! During the war, did we notice a lot of whales w-, rallying round and saying, "Save England!" I didn't notice many down my part of the world.
All in all, and the Japanese aside I think I would like to swim around all day eating plankton.
During the war, did we notice a lot of whales w-, rallying round and saying, "Save England!" I didn't notice many down my part of the world.

This was great stuff until you blew it (blew it! Blue it! whale pun).

There are no whales in Ebbv Wale, Wales.

I won't mention the joke about the whale found in the Dudley No 1 canal.
There is a young guy at the bus stop here. The waistband of his jeans is half way down his arse and he looks like a penguin. He's having trouble walking.
Has anyone ever found out what all this is about then?


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