
Genelec 8341/51/61 Thomann

I returned a guitar to them and they were really good. This is going back 15 years ago though. I also bought a guitar where the case got damaged and they sent a new case out immediately after I sent pics. They didn’t ask for the damaged one to be returned.

As an alternative, it might be worth speaking to KMR to see if they will loan you a pair.
I took the plunge at the start of the year and went for 8341's with a 7630 sub and the GLM system to pull it all together, though from UK suppliers not Thomann. After a series of digital front-end "downgrades" I finally settled on a Wiim Pro as my primary source (streaming and passthrough of other digital sources).

9 months on I haven't changed my conclusion after the first full run through of the GLM setup process - my 40 years of messing around with countless systems and configurations has most probably reached the end. Along the way I've owned kit costing over twice the price that could not get close to the "completeness" of the Genelec setup, at least in my humble listening room. Unless I end up with a dramatically bigger space and deeper pockets (to upgrade to the larger Genelec models) I think the only changes I am likely to make in the future will be conservative "room treatments" to mitigate some of the flaws illustrated by the GRADE reports the GLM software generates.

My "end-game" system for sure!
Is anyone using these in their home, and does anyone have experience of the Thomann 30 day trial process ?

I had a pair of Neumann KH310s from Thomann, didn’t suit me, sent them back. Their returns process is beyond reproach - they do everything, labels, shipping, full refund. Shortly after I returned them, a pair appeared on their site as “B” Stock at a modest discount.
@The Moog I started off with just the monitors. When listening in essentially a near field position (up to 2m) from the 8341's they were doing everything I wanted, but from my primary listening and watching position around 3m away in a fairly large, irregular shaped room (approx. 85m2) the overall cohesion of the sound was dropping off. The GLM system did a pretty good job of compensating for this but the bass sounded "forced" and less balanced than in the near field setup (again, with GLM correction). So I cracked and went for the 7360 sub. According to Genelecs guidelines my room dimensions would have made the 7370 the right choice but its much bigger and thus even uglier than the 7360 so I went for the latter. It was a very big improvement. Rather than simply adding bass, if anything the proper integration of the sub simply controlled and balanced the low end and made the system more tolerant of extremes in music and AV content. Having tried before to integrate subs into previous systems both "manually" by ear and also with Yamaha's YPAO system with mixed results, the experience of using the GLM system was a revelation - to the extent that I would not recommend using Genelecs Smart system range of monitors in a typical domestic setting without it.

