
Gear that has consistently impressed you at shows?

Quad Electrostatics of all vintages. I've only ever heard them at shows over the last 40/50 years and they always sound way better than their critics would have you believe.
Quad Electrostatics of all vintages. I've only ever heard them at shows over the last 40/50 years and they always sound way better than their critics would have you believe.
Quads are OK within their limits, but ask Quad to play Skullflower through them and their limitations soon become apparent. Also the limits of Quad's tolerance! I had the 2805s and couldn't get them to work at home.
As a Neat owner this doesn't surprise me.

I see they're just about to launch a couple of new 'uns:

I might need to get saving as I may struggle not to buy the standmounts when they launch.
They are consistently pejoratively described as “fun” as though that were a bad thing. Great speakers for me have never been about the last nth of whatever. I’m looking for coherence; enough detail and engagement. Neat delivers on that almost always.
They are consistently pejoratively described as “fun” as though that were a bad thing. Great speakers for me have never been about the last nth of whatever. I’m looking for coherence; enough detail and engagement. Neat delivers on that almost always.

Nicely put. It's interesting that fun is seen as a dig, I sort of get why. But my Petites saw off some "serious" well rated speakers that cost nearly 3x more. Perhaps "engaging" is a better word?

I'm guessing Audio Note is a similar kind of deal.
Sorry have never heard any Devore speakers.
The Audio Note for me every time. I have read great things about Devore bit every time i hear them two things eventually come to the fore. They do lots of stuff really well but they’re a bit one note on timbre and they have a kind of graininess to the sound which grates.
I've been impressed each time I've seen Amphion speakers run with Hegel amps. The partnership is excellent and the room is always rocking at the shows I've seem them at.

Argon 1 stand mounts, which are not really that expensive at £1500, paired with (I think) a H390 at a show last year was my favourite room.

When compared to some of the mega-money systems at the same show, this was a much more affordable, yet still highly impressive sounding system. I preferred it to some which were many times the cost.
The Audio Note for me every time. I have read great things about Devore bit every time i hear them two things eventually come to the fore. They do lots of stuff really well but they’re a bit one note on timbre and they have a kind of graininess to the sound which grates.

I don't think this guy (a 1-man band dealer in the US) likes Devore 😂 start at 3 mins in:

(And, funnily enough, he has a few vids with the Audio Note chaps and seems to love their gear)

I don't go to many shows, probably two in my lifetime. The only thing that I can recall being really impressive was some Tron Amps into the weird Avantgaard (sorry not sure on spelling) which had plastic horns? Think the front end was a Verdier TT? I think the show was in Chesterfield of all places.

Once did the big Heathrow show, around the time of the new naim Nap500, pretty sure Paul Darwin did the demo? It didn't sound that good but the room was terrible.
Kerr, ATC and JBL have been my favourites from recent shows.
My least favourite have been Tannoy, Audio Note, and Maxsonic.
I had to Google them, and can assure you that there's no way in this, or any other Universe, that I would inflict them on any loudspeaker. :eek:
Heh! I like a bit of noise now and again. When you get past the wall of noise, there is a very fugue like pattern underneath it. Speakers other than Quads can show that, my Tannoys for instance. For a bit of light relief you can always try Chrome, or Muslimgauze. 😈
Argon 1 stand mounts, which are not really that expensive at £1500, paired with (I think) a H390 at a show last year was my favourite room.
I think it was this combo that I heard playing at Cranage, very impressed. I didn't think I would be, having been described as 'clinical', I would have called them clean with not hint of edginess. Did hear their larger floor standers, but was not so impressed, guess it's partnering equipment and rooms.

