

I think my cordless poll trimmer is that Makita model. It's fine, there's a knack to getting the right angle and it is hard to get a feel for the balance - all the weight is at one end, so it's kind of tricky. But after a short time you'll be OK. I've had mine for at least 10 years but it only gets used once a year, on thick holly hedges. I use a small light regular trimmer for most of the hedge, the big one for the top only.

If it's very tall - I have one hedge about 10' tall - you will still need steps to do a good job at the top. A tall long beech hedge must be very attractive - well worth maintaining!
Fortunately the neighbor takes care of the top. I say it’s a good 10’ in places and hasn’t been maintained well prior to us moving in. Planning on a light trim now but it’s going to need some serious cutting back in spots since it’s taking up half the path, making access difficult.
how does your garden grow?. well so far grapes looking and olives looking good, as is chard, rhubarb, carrots, all herbs. courgettes looking weak, figs not sure.

need more sun, best the olives have looked since buying this tree and will be a first crop.
I never had any real fruit on my olive tree - 15 years or more. Against a brick wall south facing but nothing more than lentil sized olives.
where did you get your tree - is it in a pot - how many years to first crop? we keep talking about getting one

We bought it from a outlet only selling olive tress, they had a huge stock. Northampton area, sorry do not keep old invoices.

yes it was potted, and about 35-40 years old. they were convinced it would fruit, but after 3 years nowt.
Strange mix here...
All of the established border perennials, shrubs etc.. are growing like mad, though over winter I lost Lobelia Cardinalis, Achillea, Penstemon anmd others.

By contrast, outdoor tomatoes and cucumbers are just sort of sitting there..not doing much. Runner Beans are growing, but hardly sprinting.

Lupins and other bits and pieces bought from garden centres are really struggling. A few just gave up.
Delphiniums bought as plugs have barely moved since potting on. I daren't plant them out as slugs/snails will decimate them in minutes.
And over 70 annual bedding plants such as petunias, rudbeckias, pelargoniums, etc.,etc.. have also barely grown since potting on weeks ago.

Endless wet.. low daytime temps and little sunshine seem to be the problem.
By contrast, outdoor tomatoes and cucumbers are just sort of sitting there..not doing much. Runner Beans are growing, but hardly sprinting.
Dreary dreary and dreary, both inside and out. If this winter climate is global warming, count me confused. Am growing second batch of French and runners inside the big g/house as 80 planted outside mid May have never even popped up to say 'hello'. Rotting luck !!!

This is the crappiest growing season I've experienced, and I'm in the (formerly) dry east (Norwich).

