
Free CD heads-up

Joe Hutch

Mate of the bloke
In case no-one else has mentioned it, this month's super soaraway Mojo has a free CD of pyschedelic 60s offerings, including John's Children, Kaleidoscope, Keith West and many many more. The front cover features Dave Gilmour, so there's prolly an article about them inside too.

Not my cup of tea, but others might care to investigate.
As well as an article about Gilmour, the fat owl of the Remove, there's one about Wire, which is more the sort of thing.

-- Ian
I always buy Mojo...I know it has some rather dodgy guff in it at times...i.e. anything to do with Pink Floyd after they stopped being 'the' etc...but on the whole the best of the lot I believe...a few months ago they gave away a Chess CD which was really quite fab indeed...looking forward to earholing this months...being the child of parents of the sixties in all its groovy excess I suspect a lot of these tunes will resonate somewhere in the inner recesses of my mind 'man'...

What other music Mags do people go for?

seagullsnacker said:
What other music Mags do people go for?

I only buy 'em for the free CDs these days, though at one time I bought several regularly - Creem, Rolling Stone - as well as the NME. Somewhere in my desk there is a copy of ZigZag from 1972-ish that I dig out for a laugh from time to time. It contains a fascinating interview with Keith Richrds, one of a seemingly endless series of articles about Kaleidoscope, plus some truly appalling adverts for LPs that failed to grip the publiic's imagination to any great extent.
I read the Wire despite finding most of the people who write for it to be idiots, because there isn't much choice when it comes to magazines covering free improv and the like, and Resonance, the magazine of the LMC (London Musicians' Collective). I read Mojo if there's an article or two that looks interesting, maybe once every 3 months or so.

-- Ian
"Word" is OK. I've only read it in the orthodontist's waiting room while waiting for my daughter to have her teeth levered about, but some decent writing.
You must go private then Richard cos in the NHS all you get are 10 year old Readers Digests.
seagullsnacker said:
What other music Mags do people go for?

None any more. I came to the conclusion that, for the occasionally interesting article (usually a history of a band from before my time) and the pages of poor record reviews, I'd rather take a chance and buy what seems interesting whenever I go music shopping* and go on the opinions of those I trust. Has yet to fail me.

*Piccadilly Records - difficult to go badly wrong.
seagullsnacker said:
I always buy Mojo...I know it has some rather dodgy guff in it at times...i.e. anything to do with Pink Floyd after they stopped being 'the' etc...but on the whole the best of the lot I believe...a few months ago they gave away a Chess CD which was really quite fab indeed...looking forward to earholing this months...being the child of parents of the sixties in all its groovy excess I suspect a lot of these tunes will resonate somewhere in the inner recesses of my mind 'man'...

What other music Mags do people go for?


Going by the replies so far, I must be a real anorak. I buy Mojo, Word (best of the lot IMO) & Record Collector each month, regardless of who's on the cover/what's on the free CD (if there is one).
TigerJones - My mum used to tell me that looking at magasines like that would make me blind - you must have planned some serious reading to train and eventually work in the Optical business - More power to your elbow, Mate !
You must go private then Richard cos in the NHS all you get are 10 year old Readers Digests
Hell no! Well, I think all orthodontists are probably private, but as she's under 16, it's all on the NHS. I have no intention of ever using private healthcare.

I think some company puts the mags round, as they all have a sticker on. Must admit I think it's a great way of upping your circulation - having read a few articles in the copies that are there I'm tempted to get a subscription.
uncut- mainly for the cd and makes ok reading when i travel to work.
nme in the late 70s :)
Can I recommend "Plan B" magazine for good ("adult") coverage of the alternative/independant scence. Its pretty hard to find (Borders usually has it) although it is available mail order from their website.




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