
Forced Academisation of Schools

You have somewhat bastardised my point , if we cant come to an agreement as the function ,purpose and structure of a good school its time to give up .

Also , I disagree because of my previous point vis-à-vis the main purpose of schools being the socialisation of citizens in the making . Fragmentation disperses this role .

I actually agree with your statement Paul.

But that socialisation process is certainly not a function of a "universal" system.

What works in a school with a cachement area consisting of some sink estate hell-hole would not work in a school in Esher.

Of necessity, the 2 schools have to operate very, very differently. If you try to enforce universality for idealogical reasons, neither set of kids will be well served, surely?

All well reasoned stuff, but the thing about Gove is that like all of the rest of his bunch he really doesn't give a flying **** for the consequences, intended or otherwise. He only cares about money, but attempts to disguise it with his simplistic 'ideology', which is why he is so popular with our resident right wingers. (Yes Mick. You are, by any definition, a right winger!)


I make it a rule a) not to speculate about motives and b) to assume good faith until evidence emerges to the contrary. Gove's reforms will almost certainly have many unintended consequences. Unfortunately the impact will be on children who only get one shot at education, and on the teachers who have, it seems to me, had to cope with an almost annual game of musical chairs, as administrations and secretaries of state change.
Paul A, stop feeding the trolls. They don't believe what they post. No one could FFS!

Not sure I agree this applies to all of them and anyway , if you don't counter the trolls opinions it skewers the debate for reasonable readers . I'm on a crusade to challenge bullshit were ever I see it . :D
Paul A, stop feeding the trolls. They don't believe what they post. No one could FFS!

People have a wide spectrum of political views. Those expressed on this forum tend to range from slightly left of centre to slightly right of centre.
Because somebody does not share your take on politcs & society does not men that their own views are not sincerely held.

And actually, all the available evidence shows that you are stating that the majority of the population do not actually believe their own political views.

It may have escaped your notice, but we live in a right-of-centre society. Furthermore, it is slowly drifting further to the right.

You really need to come to terms with that.

MickP is a lovely guy and I won't have a bad word said about him.
He is a moderate conservative (small c) with slightly liberal leanings after five or six pure malts.
MickP is a lovely guy and I won't have a bad word said about him.
He is a moderate conservative (small c) with slightly liberal leanings after five or six pure malts.

I don't doubt it , he may however need a sub-editor for his posts to ensure the real mickp comes across . :D
Do you really think the quality of well funded private schools , eaton , harrow , charterhouse varies significantly .

As against the generality of schools, probably not with the top five or so in terms of academic outcomes in absolute terms, but they each have a very different ethos and even different selection criteria, so the value added does vary considerably even between these five or so.

And the academic standards and other qualities vary quite widely the lower down the academic totem pole you go.
People have a wide spectrum of political views. Those expressed on this forum tend to range from slightly left of centre to slightly right of centre.
Because somebody does not share your take on politcs & society does not men that their own views are not sincerely held.

And actually, all the available evidence shows that you are stating that the majority of the population do not actually believe their own political views.

It may have escaped your notice, but we live in a right-of-centre society. Furthermore, it is slowly drifting further to the right.

You really need to come to terms with that.


I don't need to come to terms with anything, certainly nothing you say.

After the recent farce in the "financial industry" I refuse to believe that anyone can still believe in unrestrained capitalism and call what we have now a blip.

There are 2.5 million people unemployed, the vast majority through no fault of their own. I refuse to believe that anyone thinks they should be left with no help whilst cutting their already meagre resources. Further, suggesting a form of employment musical chairs for them is laughable.

etc etc etc.

I totally accept others think differently from me, it doesn't make me wrong. And if you think the people of this country are leaning rightwards please think again.

My partner is a primary school teacher. The staff recently visited a school which has just switched to academy status. It is controlled by a USA owned company. They are teaching recent American history. Interesting given Gove's preference for the Kings and Queens of Britain
Coming from outside the UK, would someone assist by defining - in the context of this thread - "academisation" (and how it would differ from the current school system).

(Apologies, but I'm curious)
state funded schools were/are traditionally run by local authorties . This means what they teach , how they teach it and rules , regulations , salaries , teachers qualifications and almost everything was determined by the law and administered by each local authority , so all state schools were managed the same .

academies are essentially run by a management team . they are required to teach national curriculum but variance exists and most of the decisions on how the school is run and who can teach is devolved to the school management and taken away from the local authority . They control the schools budjet and have various other financial freedoms .
I don't need to come to terms with anything, certainly nothing you say.

After the recent farce in the "financial industry" I refuse to believe that anyone can still believe in unrestrained capitalism and call what we have now a blip.

There are 2.5 million people unemployed, the vast majority through no fault of their own. I refuse to believe that anyone thinks they should be left with no help whilst cutting their already meagre resources. Further, suggesting a form of employment musical chairs for them is laughable.

etc etc etc.

I totally accept others think differently from me, it doesn't make me wrong. And if you think the people of this country are leaning rightwards please think again.

My partner is a primary school teacher. The staff recently visited a school which has just switched to academy status. It is controlled by a USA owned company. They are teaching recent American history. Interesting given Gove's preference for the Kings and Queens of Britain

I don't believe anyone has advocated removing benefits from the short to medium term unemployed.

However, the able bodied long term unemployed need incentivising. And that means setting up a system such that someone is ALWAYS better off in employment.

"And if you think the people of this country are leaning rightwards please think again."

Oh No? Who are you going to vote for to implement left wing policies & to reverse the reforms?

Coming from outside the UK, would someone assist by defining - in the context of this thread - "academisation" (and how it would differ from the current school system).

(Apologies, but I'm curious)

It's quite complex. I'll try to describe things neutrally.

We are talking about what in the US are called public schools. In the UK public schools is a term for private schools. (Don't ask!)

Most schools are funded by the taxpayer (i.e. Central Government) and have been under the control of local authorities (roughly equal to a school district in US terms). Some are part funded by Churches and are semi-independent of this control.

The Academies policy is designed by Central Government to raise standards by removing local control and handing control to the governing body of the school direct with oversight by the central government Ministry instead. The assumption being that some local authorities do not add much value to the quality of education. This is the subject of furious debate as evidenced by the
discussion here.
Oh No? Who are you going to vote for to implement left wing policies & to reverse the reforms?


You see, there's the problem. You assume that because someone challenges your rightwing nonsense that they must be a pinko commie bleeding heart blah blah.

I don't fit your assumptions.
You see, there's the problem. You assume that because someone challenges your rightwing nonsense that they must be a pinko commie bleeding heart blah blah.

I don't fit your assumptions.

Guilty as charged. However, you have been assiduously spouting left leaning rubbish over several threads, so "if it looks like sh1t, smells like sh1t & tastes like sh1t there's a fair to middling chance it is sh1t" applies in your case.

None of which in any way is relevant to my assertion that you live in a centre right society.

You do.
Try finding anything other than a centre right party to vote for anytime soon.

Why do you think that is? It's because nobody is going to vote for a left of centre party.

Guilty as charged. However, you have been assiduously spouting left leaning rubbish over several threads, so "if it looks like sh1t, smells like sh1t & tastes like sh1t there's a fair to middling chance it is sh1t" applies in your case.

None of which in any way is relevant to my assertion that you live in a centre right society.

You do.
Try finding anything other than a centre right party to vote for anytime soon.

Why do you think that is? It's because nobody is going to vote for a left of centre party.


You have assumption overload today :rolleyes:
In which case there seems to be some conflicting ideas within Govey's vision of education: a diversified market, but a less diverse definition of what success is should look like.
I think that point has some basis if you look at National Curricula, which is of course something that Academies can bend to their will, but perhaps less if you look at most of the metrics used to measure progress.


