

Only in this country could we get this level of whinge about non-issue. I read that the entire tallow content of all the £5 notes planned is approximately half a cow's worth!

Don't have half a cow, man.

Mark Carney has done nothing good since he took over the BoE. He continues to rob savers.


You are very lucky to have Mr. Carney navigating on your behalf. As a Canadian, I would be very happy if he were to return to his previous job here.
On a very brief google search it is not lawful to not accept legal tender to pay a restaurant bill. That would be an interesting dilemma for plod.

I doubt it is a criminal offence, just a civil one.
In which case plod wouldn't want to know.
Their website has obviously had a lot of traffic over the last few days as it's dead for now. All this wide reaching publicity for free.


