
F*$&£n Hell it's Hot

No poo, was at festival of speed today and it was 34 degrees and really uncomfortable. Even now at home it is measuring 32 degrees.
38C outside my office in Kuala Lumpur in the afternoon. Unusually hot for Malaysia and my cars air conditioning struggles a bit
I was there too. It was pleasantly warm.

Had the disadvantage of twin six year od boys who were more interested in seeing Mr Beans mini than the pre 40's Bentleys. Luck buggers got to sit in a 57 D type because the owner thought they were cute, didn't bloody work for me though.

Used them on the Bentley stand, one of them was in the drivers seat and a very posh type was waiting behind me tutting and said to his wife that children shouldn't be allowed in the cars. I turned to him and said to Zach you just take as long as you want, posh bloke just huffed and went off to complain to the Bentley rep who suggested he try one of the others then came over smiled and gave him a bentley keyring. Guess they get fed up with wannabe posh types pretending they can afford bentleys.
I went to the FOS Moving Motor Show on Thursday. It was very good and not overly hot. Loved the classic cars on display, particularly the 1950s Alfa Romeo.
Not so long ago we ( me included) were bemoaning the lack of a Summer. Well I'm not moaning now. I'm loving it. Days on end pottering and lounging in the garden.

The first person who moans to my face that it is 'too hot', is taking a big risk!;)

it's great, unless you're working and travelling around the country all the time tbh
Like my brother whose aircon failed last week :) bugger is always going on about how great his airconditioned seats are.
No but it's regularly hot and people get used to it, we have occasional summers and just aren't suited to very hot days. We went on holiday to Cuba a few years ago and although it was about 34 degrees most days we didn't find it that undomfortable, must be a UK thing because I don't like anything over 27 here but happily went for walks during a Texas summer.
Had a week at Dhahran years working on active aircraft with 50°C and over every day, with a peak of 55°. Add to that a hydraulic system at 135°, and this summer weather here is a cynch.
No but it's regularly hot and people get used to it
I never did. It becomes very, very wearing after a couple of weeks. When you're on holiday it's OK, you are generally not that active. Working in it for weeks on end has you dreading looking out of the window and seeing yet another glorious day. "oh sh*t, another cloudless blue sky, 25 already at 0700, watch it hit 35 by 11. Again." It's exhausting.

I have a great deal of sympathy for the poor sods currently traipsing about in Afghanistan wearing flak jackets and carrying 30-odd kg of kit.
Only issue for me is slight inconvenience encountered on Thursday. Whilst lying near naked in my garden, I was was surreptitiously approached by a blackish, silent fly about 5mm wide and 15mm long. It settled on my hand and by the time I brushed it off it had drawn blood. A little later (possibly) the same one landed on my leg, where I ended it's existence my means of a sharp slap.

Neither bite was painful at the time and it was only 24 hours later that itchy bumps appeared which seemed to respond slightly to a bit of 'Anthisan' cream.

So, yesterday morning I was bothered twice more by a similar fly. This time I sprayed myself all over with Jungle Formula and had no further trouble, (With the flies at least. See below.) other than the sites of the latter two bites turning into itchy bumps within the last couple of hours.

Research appears to put these objectionable little bastards somewhere into the 'Cleg', or Horsefly group, though I'm certain they aren't the big bastards which are famed for their painful bite.

It seems there are more that 4100 species of 'Tabanidae' or 'horse fly'.

A much bigger inconvenience is the wrath of Mrs Mull, since the overspray from the Jungle Formula left little discoloured spots all over her beloved containerfuls of assorted flowers. The instructions warn against use near fabric, pets, flames, plastic, varnish etc., etc. but make no mention of outdoor container grown plants! :eek:

My only irritation is the feckless hoards that decide that sunshine = BBQ and turn over the local supermarkets for sausages, burgers and burger buns because their little minds cannot think beyond the obvious and typically British blandness. The more daring may even cremate some chicken that people will eye with suspicion, decide they don't want to spend the night calling the Ruth down the big white telephone, and just stick to a black hard disc in a bun instead. Then, if it's sunny the next day, it'll be the same at someone else's place.
The biggest crime is usually the soundtrack, which will be some suitably tabloid mainstream pop, usually involving Robbie Williams and the middle-aged women who have had too much Lambrini swaying with their arms in the air, not unlike the dilapidated garden shed to the side of the patio.
But after all, it's just people having fun and enjoying themselves, which is fair enough. Better that than people moaning about it being too hot.
The British are simple folk, and totally predictable in a rather endearing way.
Our neighbours are now in the final throes of their Sunday barbecue, which has been going on since 11am. One of them has got so drunk, she managed to scratch the 'c' word on the other neighbour's car bonnet. And this is apparently their daughter's first birthday party...

I've been on my bike for most of the weekend - the best place to be in this kind of weather.
No complaints please after countless months of crap weather :)

Its good to see people out and about. I dont like to follow the crowds though and a packed beach would be a nightmare for me

A couple near me like to sit outside in the car park with a table and chairs. A fag, a lager and the Brits are happy.
Ive been on my bike for evening rides when its a bit cooler. A nice stop at a cheshire village pub.

I agree about the horse flies though. Its like they havent been fed until this heat wave happened
My only irritation is the feckless hoards that decide that sunshine = BBQ and turn over the local supermarkets for sausages, burgers and burger buns because their little minds cannot think beyond the obvious and typically British blandness. The more daring may even cremate some chicken that people will eye with suspicion, decide they don't want to spend the night calling the Ruth down the big white telephone, and just stick to a black hard disc in a bun instead. Then, if it's sunny the next day, it'll be the same at someone else's place.
The biggest crime is usually the soundtrack, which will be some suitably tabloid mainstream pop, usually involving Robbie Williams and the middle-aged women who have had too much Lambrini swaying with their arms in the air, not unlike the dilapidated garden shed to the side of the patio.
But after all, it's just people having fun and enjoying themselves, which is fair enough. Better that than people moaning about it being too hot.
The British are simple folk, and totally predictable in a rather endearing way.

Mercifully, the barbecue mania which struck our area for some years seems to have subsided somewhat. I find myself wondering whether it is related to a run of bad summers, or just the increase in deaths from smoke inhalation.

Noise is the one with me.
I grudgingly tolerate the occasional gathering in the back gardens of those who are normally civilised. After all, anyone is entitled to a bit of a shindig now and again.
What pisses me off is the family several doors down in the street which backs on to ours. They have kids who, to use a local expression, could 'whisper across three fields'. One in particular has a deep grunt of a voice and I'm convinced that if his brain was half the size of his gob he'd be a ****ing genius.
And now they've got a dog. I've never seen it, but I know they've got it because they keep shouting at the poor little sod. When they're not shouting at it, they're whistling it. Unless of course I'm mistaken and the screeching harpy matriarch of the family and just squeezed another one out and called it Sheba.

I just wish the whole ignorant tribe would shut the **** up for about ten seconds. Maybe then, the deafening silence around them might lead them to the conclusion that they are the only ones making any sodding noise.

All of the above of course is in addition to the general cacophony of jet washers, strimmers, mowers, car alarms, house alarms etc., which rages from morning till night.

It's a bloody good job I don't live in a rough area.


