
Exposure IV or Quad 303/33

Thanks guys! I was close to pulling the trigger on a 34/306 yesterday, but something stopped me…I am now thinking of sticking with the 303 (Or Quad II!?) for my 57s and then something else (6/7/9) too, eventually perhaps…

She will be pleased. Any chance someone would write me a note 🫣
Obviously not, but things are never so simple. The 405 is simply not as good as the older 303 with ESL57 panels. Well that’s my experience anyway with completely restored but unmodified examples.
The 303 matches the ESLs in a magical way, which our very own Jim Lesurf attempted at explaining years ago.
The 405 I like best on cone speakers in wooden boxes.
It's true, the 303 does have a certain magic with the ESLs. Also with some vintage speakers it just gels, too.
I don’t view either the 303 or 306 as being better/worse, they are both great amps IMO. They just suit slightly different speakers. Both great amps in their context and with a lot of overlap in the middle.
Yes, thanks, this is the picture I send to be building.

Would anyone know what would be involved in going the Quad II route? Would it be (much) better with two of them? What about running costs, valve duration etc.?

Any info would be great! Well, good info, obviously :)
The Quad II is a mono amp, so yes, you need two for stereo. Running costs will inevitably be higher, though initial cost depends entirely on condition, e.g. do you need to get them professionally serviced before use (this also applies to a 303, and even a 306 as none of these are young amps)? There really are no generalisations with vintage kit as everything depends on condition and what has been done to that specific item in the past.
The 303 was designed to drive the ESL 57. If serviced and working as designed it is hard to beat in that context IMO.
Agreed, the output caps interact symbiotically with the 57 load.
For users with modern direct coupled amps it might even be worth popping a good quality 2000uf cap (as per 303 spec) in series to see if the result is preferred.
(I have posted a new thread about this, just in case this on has run it’s course.)

Thanks for all your help, everyone! I thought I’d post a picture of my new equipment, picked up today! (Can’t seem to add pic!?)

As you can (can’t!) see, I went for a rather lovely 303/33!

If I could pick some brains a little more though…

1. It was supplied with a 4-pin din to rca, but after some gentle application, this does not seem to fit. However, my cheapy 5-pin to rca female seems to get things going via tape input/CD. Is this OK?
2. The disc/phono sound from my turntable (MM), using the same 5-pin is just very quiet indeed…?
3. Should I be concerned that there seems to be a little metal ‘thingy’ missing from the disc socket on the 33?!

Any help would settle my nerves!
Ah, sorted the phono sound by rotating the cartridge to M2. If anyone could elevate my other fears, that would be great!
In my house right now are nearly all of the components you highlight.

I have an Exposure Single4+integPSU but it is attached to the slightly later XI pre-amp. It is driving the ESL63 and sounds brilliant. You could add a seperate exposure PSU later to offload that from the S4PSU and I suspect it will help the imaging that the ESL provide. The S4PSU has plenty of grunt and it is never wise to put too much power into ESL to go for volume?

You do need to have the space to position the ESL correctly in order to get the bass to it's best. My ESL63 give pretty good bass but does not give sound pressure level type bass. Some people need bass as SPL and turn things up - not the way to deal with ESL.

I do have a 33/303 which sounded fine with the ESL but the Exposure sounds better, more vibrant. Exposure still do service/support on the older John Farlowe equipment and are very friendly. Many places offer updates and cap changes on Quad which can make them better. I don't dislike the Quads at all but I do prefer the Exposure.

I went up through the Exposure range and have ended up with an active system with XIV, active cross over, 3 D4Reg and 2 IX PSU. I have tried to replace it several times but nothing has the energy. It's all perspective and taste, one person's musicality is another's colouration.

I would say go for the Exposure and get them serviced when you can, then consider a PSU addition. D4's do come up on eBay from time to time.
My Exposure IV dual mono is being repaired at the moment.

I replaced it with my Naim NAP 160 BD at first. Similar sound but lacking this kick and energy of big bass drum.

Then replaced it with my Naim NAP 110 with Avondale power supply and boards. The snap of percussion instruments is back but the bass depth and emphasis is not as convincing.

Despite I’m a big fan of Naim products, I’m forced to admit my Dual IV gives me both the bass depth and emphasis AND the kick of drums in general in one single box.

