
Emporium HiFi


pfm Member
Has anyone tried to contact emporium HiFi over the last few weeks? I have e-mailed them but got no response. He might be away or ill but there is nothing on their website
Anyone used them in the past? Do they have a dem room? I'm occasionally in Deal and wondered if it is worth a visit or is that for confirmed purchase pickup only?
Have bought and sold with them. No nonsense. Take it or leave it on price.
They brought an expensive amp to my house for demo.
All fine by me.
... and they answer the telephone.
is that it'll be a cold day down below before I ever buy anything from them.

Nicely phrased.:). Haven't had sufficient experience with them (only 15 miles away from me) to endorse the message, though. He did offer to loan me a decent Koetsu cart. once, which I thought was generous, but I understand that he's not the most competitive on some things. Still, he's been in the same business in more than one venue for many decades, so must be satisfying a few customers; stands to reason !
No dem room he basically works from home

His stock is kept (or was kept as I may be out of date) in a shack down a yard. About the least salubrious hifi premises I've seen, but it works for him; I haven't been inside, though, so could be a palace.:D
There are two ‘branches’ apparently- are there two lock ups then? Prices are keen, inventory expensive but I’ve found they’re tricky to deal with. I’m still waiting for a purchase receipt nearly a year later!
The Bungay one who wanted me to package up an amp on e bay which i’d Marked for collection only, and then tried to give me negative feedback because I wouldn’t package it for his courier ? A total whossname.
You have to be careful with emporium, you can get a peach of a bargain but just as easily get an absolute nightmare.

I think he buys in bulk and doesn't really check what he sells. I got an LS100 off him for a good price but all the valves were completely shot and sounded bloody awful until they were replaced, even with the cost of the new valves it was a good deal.

If you speak to him don't try and haggle or tell him how much you think it is worth, just offer him a price and tell him to take it or leave it, it's just the way he is.
Had a v expensive item on approval before I bought (which I did)...

Would happily deal with again anytime.

