
Dylan does Christmas

I think Dylan's voice has deteriorated a bit over the years but for me at times he had an utterly fantastic voice. Yes for lots of people Dylan can sing!

Just about sums it up for me too ! It's all about the story in the song for the individual listener and the delivery of. Must say tho I feel he shouldn't have done his xmas thing, does nothing for him.

I remember once driving up highway 61, ( the bits that's left of it anyhow) to Duluth, Hibbing and Chisholm on a pilgrimage when I was over in the US on business a few years ago. I switched on the radio station only to hear the presenter put on Highway 61 revisited ! How cool that eh? Put shivers down my spine.

John R.
As much as I understand the charity angle, the tracks this morning just sounded embarrassingly bad.

Yep and a couple of the others are worse. There must be a better charity release in him. This is a pile of shite.
I have not heard anything yet from this Christmas album but it sounds as if it is pretty bad. As has been said, we should overlook it since the album proceeds are for a good cause.
would that be more culturally apt?

no I know.... The Killers sing the songs of Mormon featuring Donny Osmond
You tend to forget that Dylan is Jewish. Maybe, when he gets a bit older, he'll release a Klezmer album.
As someone who has seen him live over 30 times in the last 10 years I have suffered at the hands of Bob as much as anyone, but this xmas thing is just funny. I think old age may really be catching up with him. The Guardian review amused me - the guy described the one song he quite liked as 'Bob-proof'.

As to whether Bob ever could sing - just check out anything from the Rolling Thunder Revue period - including Desire - he did have a strong voice when he wanted to find it. It has, of course, long since deserted him.

