
Dream interpretation palava


pfm Member
:DHas anyone else ever been woken up by a nightmare scenario plane falling out of the air and debris is raining down , isn't Google marvelous for things like this . Now it's time for some beef and mushroom curry and chips with bread n butter.
Not had one like that but my worst was an ex girlfriend chasing me round the old pub I grew up in (she was a witch in the dream). I was knocking glasses off the counter to try and wake myself up. I ran outside and started shouting "wake up" as loud as I could and luckily I woke up.
I’m always intrigued by those where the dream narrative ends with e.g. a noise that has actually happened and wakes you up. How does that happen? One explanation I read is that time is running in reverse - which is as plausible as anything else in that context.
This one was vivid could see the logo on the plane it took place very locally and crashed down beside a hospital, just been on artofsound and got adverts on there telling me A&e is for emergencies only over Christmas :eek:.
Nevertheless I will venture out to my usual hostelry today , no witches working today and I may wear a crash helmet.

Yours sincerely the reborn Doris Stokes.
I’m always intrigued by those where the dream narrative ends with e.g. a noise that has actually happened and wakes you up. How does that happen? One explanation I read is that time is running in reverse - which is as plausible as anything else in that context.
This one has been worked out. When you are dreaming it's a jumbled up mass of thoughts with no narrative or time element. Only upon waking does your conscious mind put it all together and come up with a plausible story including things that were actually happening.
I often have long, detailed dreams that have a coherent 'plot'. Unfortunately they're often based around boring/anxious workplace scenarios where something's gone horribly wrong and it's all my fault.
I often have long, detailed dreams that have a coherent 'plot'. Unfortunately they're often based around boring/anxious workplace scenarios where something's gone horribly wrong and it's all my fault.

exactly this with the added denouement that I end up naked in front of everyone and can’t find my car.

(and I’ve been retired since 2002!)
My anxiety dream usually involves me sitting on the lavatory with the cubicle door missing or a window fitted and people walking past outside, tutting at me with my trousers down. It's great fun. You don't need to be Sigmund Freud to work that one out. I first hatched that one when I was having a miserable time at university and about to fail a module, my audience then included the lovely Sabina, who was always far too attractive to pay me any attention and ended up getting a first.
Adverts on here now telling me not to bother going to hospital with minor ailments, getting slightly paranoid about visiting the boozer.
I often have long, detailed dreams that have a coherent 'plot'. Unfortunately they're often based around boring/anxious workplace scenarios where something's gone horribly wrong and it's all my fault.

Me too.... I have recurring themes about long-distance travel - usually about getting to the airport in time and finding somewhere to park to check in for a transatlantic flight, or trying to catch the right combination of trains to get from an odd part of London all the way to Edinburgh. Or I'm on the outskirts of Glasgow trying to find the bus to get to the record shop I worked at nearly 30 years ago.
Me too.... I have recurring themes about long-distance travel - usually about getting to the airport in time and finding somewhere to park to check in for a transatlantic flight, or trying to catch the right combination of trains to get from an odd part of London all the way to Edinburgh. Or I'm on the outskirts of Glasgow trying to find the bus to get to the record shop I worked at nearly 30 years ago.

life is a journey
:DHas anyone else ever been woken up by a nightmare scenario plane falling out of the air and debris is raining down , isn't Google marvelous for things like this . Now it's time for some beef and mushroom curry and chips with bread n butter.
Noooooo. But walking the dog outside just now, I thought I saw a comet.
Turned out to be some bloke in a sleigh delivering presents next door.
'OI!' I shouted at him, 'Where's mine you tight git'!
'Your asleep', he said but I couldn't be could I because here I am relating the tale.

Not sure this is helpful?
I once dreamt I had my throat cut by some creep whilst I was lying across the top of a climbing frame at a playpark.

Woke up once he was done :eek:


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