
Dr Helen Caldicott Says Fukushima Is Much Worse Than Chernobyl

As mentioned previously, there was a fascinating documentary about a scheme to store the nuclear waste generated by Finland. I think the effort and forward thinking the Finnish Govt, have shown makes our lot look like a monkey show. Our govt. can't seem to agree on anything further than next week, let alone a couple of hundred years from now! Each time I see the petty bickering, childish jibes and short lived one-upmanship in the commons it really does make me question why we have a parliament! Anyway, after that digression, I urge you watch this documentary, I found it enthralling and thought provoking...
Monbiot is frequently wrong. He put his foot well into his mouth on economics and taxation recently. But in this case he's in the right zone.

Helen Caldicott is an activist who uses pseudo-science to confuse the gullible. She should be ignored. There are honest arguments for and against nuclear power.


She should move into cables and make a killing...
Dr Helen Caldicott is an Australian physician, who has taught at Harvard.
She is a well known anti-nuclear advocate, look her up on Wikipedia.
In Fallujah, Iraq, most babies are being born without a brain, a single eye in their head, or as mutants.

Although nuclear meddling I believe to be a huge global mistake, the issues become somewhat diluted when preached by those that have a notoriety for scaremongering bordering upon fanaticism.
"most babies are being born without a brain, a single eye in their head, or as mutants".
But none of the mutations are really interesting. We'll have to wait for the next Fukushima for those swarms of giant bloodsucking killer butterflies swooping down on unsuspecting picknickers.

Am I detecting contagion from the Improved Olympics thread?
Although nuclear meddling I believe to be a huge global mistake, the issues become somewhat diluted when preached by those that have a notoriety for scaremongering bordering upon fanaticism.
"most babies are being born without a brain, a single eye in their head, or as mutants".

Give us a good number, wadaya say?

Come on, what's a good number for deformed babies?
The last thing that the Japanese government will tell us is if deformed or mutant human babies are being born.

I guess it would be happening now, since the Fukushima disaster took place in March 2011.

The world is very far from being an ideal place, with there being a tremendous battle with sustaining a massive and growing world population. The reality is that we manage to live on a knife edge and if this population is to be catered for in any way at all, decisions will be made that will turn out to be sometime good, and sometimes horrifically bad. Sure, Fukushima is a human catastrophe, but it wasn't intentional. We just have to learn and move on - because that's all we can do, unless you want to just shoot yourself in the head right now because of it, if you think it helps.

The bottom line is that the human race is bloody clever and the achievements that we have made, especially in the past 50 years are extraordinary, and the next 50 years will probably be even more so considering the exponential rate at which technology and achievements are advancing.

We live in incredible times, with amazing successes in beating some horrible diseases, and generally making quality of life and life expectancy better than ever.

I think sometimes it may be best to think, on the whole, how lucky we are, rather than always focusing on the negative. Sure there will be some bad sh1t, but life isn't risk free. It never was and if you sit and waste it pondering on everything that's bad in the world, then you may as well end it now.
This is what we have. Accept it, appreciate it, and get on with it.

I've had a friend staying for a few days that is negative to the degree that I feel completely mentally drained. Negativity is self-fulfilling and it sucks the life out of you.
F&ck that. Life on the whole is good if you allow it.
When you hear people shy away of negative thoughts , using descriptions of 'negative vibes' it sounds terribly superstitious and pseudoscientific, but from a pragmatic point of view it's sensible behaviour.
There's a selffulfilling aspect to attitudes towards nuclear energy as well. I believe a 'high metabolic' approach to nuclear energy is the healthiest. That means : nuclear plants that aren't too large and have a short lifespan, so there is a possibility of fast evolution. Instead we have had an emphasis on economies of scale, meaning very large plants that take a long time to build and have to be used very long, and a distrust (obviously with good reason) that chokes the development of plants. A plant like that at Fukushima started construction in 1967. So plans for it were based on a state of technology from beginning of the sixties. It should have been replaced long ago.
It's a general pattern in 'green' thinking that it thinks in terms of low metabolism. But that also means problems stay around for a long time.
Unfortunately 'Green thinking' trends towards putting the brakes on everything and pretending that any progress is unnecessary. I find it avoids addressing the real issues by pretending that we can easily stay within our villages and that world travel is a frivolous waste.
On the whole I agree with a greener more environmentally responsible world, but any green politics need to be honest in recognising what the modern world demands, if it is to be taken seriously. The sooner the environmentalist politicians do this, the sooner they will be gain credibility and the better we will all be, but just saying 'no' to everything isn't going to solve anything at all.
The last thing that the Japanese government will tell us is if deformed or mutant human babies are being born.

I guess it would be happening now, since the Fukushima disaster took place in March 2011.


How are they going to cover it up? Is it All A Big Conspiracy, Jack? Maybe the people in power all around the world are secretly lizards, or aliens, or alien lizards, but I think it's unlikely.
Chernobyl is nowhere near as bad as predicted; Fukushima won't be either.

Well said that man. On a lighter note...If the worlds leaders were so desperately in need of protecting our Rainforest. They would have stopped deforestation a long time ago.

Politicians never have and never will give a flying shit or do anything about environmental change simply because they care not a jot. Not that they could stop the environment doing what it's going to do anyway.
Chernobyl is nowhere near as bad as predicted; Fukushima won't be either.

Hasn't the reality been worse the predictions?
e.g.s Time taken to bring reactors to cold shutdown, time before residents can return, amount of radioactive material released, etc?
No. But I was talking about the prophets of doom who predicted massive death, huge numbers of birth deformities, a barren wasteland uninhabitable by anything for half a million years - you know, stuff that never actually happened.

