
Downloading photos to Ipad


pfm Member
Hi folks,

As a long time PFM daily lurker, I hoped my first thread start might be a little more inspiring for you apologies in advance !

I'm using a Fuji X100s and uploading pics to my iPad via camera connection kit/SD card. Maybe worth mentioning the connection kit is not the Apple version but seems to "work".

Basically, the photos I upload I find really disappointing in quality, especially compared to the Fuji output (and everyone else - incredible!) on here.

Up till now I've just put it down to my novice capabilities. They look really soft and lacking detail.

However, did a test today by emailing myself an uploaded iPad photo to see the rough file size, which was 1.2 mb. This photo on the x100s is a Large/Fine jpeg which I understand are around 4 to 6 mb.

So I see a chink of light here ! Am I possibly losing resolution when viewing photos this way ?

If so, is it the cheapo Connection Kit, or ipad ? Would that file size difference be noticeable ?

Finally, if it's not full resolution, what would be the eaisest, quickest way to view one of my pics in full on the iPad.

I've searched the web but can't quite get the answers I'm looking for.

Many thanks from a camera novice and technophobe !

It is quiet usual to lose resolution if you down size the file size without resharpening and this is probably being done automatically when you load your files. Are you loading the the full resolution files and saving them on another computer? Do you have any photo editing software? If so resize them yourself first.

Depending on the exact I-Pad the maximum screen size in pixels (full size I-pad) is 1536 x 2048 pixels. So to get full screen no need to have more pixels than that at a resolution of 72 dpi resolution. Virtually all photo software will allow you to resize, so resize (resample) to longest dimension 2,000 pixels at 72 dpi (or pixels per inch) if the resampling does not give you sharpening auto options find the sharpening in the software and resample while viewing at 100% to get the desired level of sharpness without artefacts.
I had a similar issue which I posted about here although it was to do with RAW rather than jpg files. Briefly, what the iPad loads and what it works with in Photos are not necessarily the same thing. So what it then uploads may not be what you are expecting. The photoshop app sorted me out.
You may not be consciously downsizing resolution but the iPad is most likely doing it anyway.
One thing you might try is to go in to settings>photos and camera, in there is an option to optimise storage if your iPad is getting low on memory which might mean down-sizing. The alternative is 'download originals' - this is what mine is set on and I have no problems keeping full res raw files.
Many thanks all.
It seems I'm not saving full res files anywhere as i transfer from straight from iPad to laptop, but I certainly intend to try that when back from vacation.

Targett, I don't appear to have that option on my iPad 2, possibly only on a later version ?
Possibly, or are you running an older version of iOS? I stress that I don't know if this is your problem, just suggesting it as a possibility.
One thing you might try is to go in to settings>photos and camera, in there is an option to optimise storage if your iPad is getting low on memory which might mean down-sizing. The alternative is 'download originals' - this is what mine is set on and I have no problems keeping full res raw files.

I've just got hold of the USB Apple camera cable for emergency use to quickly send out images without having my laptop & didn't realise it wouldn't be importing the full res files so many thanks for this tip!



