
Does size really matter?

The trick is not merely to store electrons but to get them to move when required. The problem with overly large caps is inertia - you know, where the bass performance begins to plod.............
For a start they're all rated for nominally 12v use, which rather limits alternative applications. I also suspect such caps will have large leakage currents, which will make them noisy, and the production tolerances on large electrolytics is cr*p; typical capacitance in range of 1Farad -20%, +80%. ESL could be 'interesting' too with such a large, wound component- which is one aspect of the problem LesW alludes to.

Best leave them to the Bass Disposal Squad.
On the subject of caps, what are the best caps for preamp supplies. I have a maplin "audio grade" 10,000uf 40V cap running my preamp supply at the moment, as a purely temporary measure. I plan to upgrade the supply with a 317TPR module and a much better cap once my system has settled down.



