
Do you listhen to classical?

Originally posted by Herman S

probably Paul's remark (about classical music not having any drums) was a little more sophisticated than that. He meant drums as in four beats to every 4/4 measure, just to help everybody keep time.

I did realise that, Herman (although I'm not so sure I'd agree with the "sophisticated" tag :rolleyes: ) - but thought the tone of the comment required a bit of deliberate pedantry in response.

As for nodding heads, I find I always head-bang along to the more visceral parts of the "Sacre", although keeping up with those 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s (many simultanously :cool: ) does tend to provoke a ricked neck :( ;) .
Now you're talking - I need something to nod my head to!

Try Rachmaninov's 3rd Symphony by André Previn or Vladimir Ashkenazy - you'd be surprised ...

classical shmassical, rock shmock. For RAWKIN' drum work you can't beat the size, scale and headbanging complexity of the Ashanti drum bands of Ghana (contd. P94)


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