
DIY FAQs - a start... and a request


Bodging pleb
As you may have noticed, I've made a small start on the DIY FAQs. I'm trying to work through the old PFM site first, so at least we have the cream of the content from there over here, all in one place.

I've picked on a couple of easy onmes first, but any comments/suggestions etc, please let me know. Also, I'd like to get a list of suppliers together. I'll pick up any links I find in the threads, but feel free to add them here so I can plop them into an FAQ.

Originally posted by RichardH
Also, I'd like to get a list of suppliers together.
Hey Richard

You missed out some companies that supply incomplete products for the DIYer to finish off. I think one begins with L, another with N and another with A :D .

A great start to the DIY faq. It looks like it'll be a veritable treasure trove.

Heh heh. Watch out - the "other" Mick will 'ave you.

I'm sure there are plenty I've missed out, so root though your favourites, please!

Must admit I've gone for the nice easy "discrete" nuggets at the moment, rather dreading tackling something like *caps.....

