
DAC / Imac Question

Minijack headphone or mini-toslink optical only from the iMac headphone out.

So if you're thinking going optical from there to the Rega you'll either need a mini-toslink adaptor, or an optical cable with mini on one end and and standard toslink connector on the other end.
From my experience with the Rega - and I'm often stereotyped as a big fan of Ü$8 - I'd actually steer you away from the interface that dare not speak its name here.

I've found that a good SPDIF converter is the only way to unlock its full potential. Its best-sounding input is coaxial SPDIF, and it's the only one to accept 24/192.

The cheapest route is definitely optical from the Mac with the cable you initially referenced, but if you want to take a step up sonically, try a few SPDIF converters on a home loan and see which - if any - justify the additional cost. Everyone will have an opinion on this, but the only way to be sure is to try before you buy.
My rDAC plays very happily with my iMac.

The sight of a; daft, lower case, leading letter at the other end of the cable keeps the bits; smiling, relaxed and jitter free.
Can you point me to a Coaxial SPDIF that will work with Imac to DAC ?

Sorry for not picking up on this earlier, but it's important that you don't pay attention to any of the above replies . . .

The Mac does not have a coaxial SPDIF output, and there is no single cable suitable for that purpose - other than a ü$d or the optical SPDIF to which you linked at the top of the thread.

If you use an SPDIF converter, then you would use such a cable from the converter into the DAC. Performance of converters and cables vary, but good ones need not be expensive.

