
Cruise liners polluting Greece


Friend is in Santorini and they have been smoked out by the pollution from a cruise liner from a certain famous billionaire . rather concerning . seems to be quite a problem . can they not do anything to improve emissions ?

cruise liner santorini by, on Flickr

Cruise line Virgin Voyages is apologizing for the negative perceptions created as residents posted pictures of “smoking pouring from the funnels” of its cruise ship Resilient Lady during its visits to the port of Hobart, Tasmania. Residents wrote online calling it “disgusting” and “sad” citing what they believed was pollution as well as blocking harbor views. The complaints grew so loud the local authorities stepped in to investigate.

The Director of the Environment Protection Authority, Wes Ford, took to the media reporting on ABC News Australia that his office was investigating multiple complaints of excessive smoking coming from the cruise ship while maneuvering in port. The distinctive looking Resilient Lady (110,000 gross tons) with its unusual shape and silver and red livery draws a lot of attention. It is completing Virgin Voyages’ first season of cruises in the Australian market.
Many cruise ships still use the dirtiest fuel. When in port if they don't hook up to the local grid and instead generate their own power it can be equivalent to 90000 cars' pollution per day.,of%20the%20city's%2093%2C000%20cars.
That’s horrendous!

Was in Santorini about a decade ago. It’s great until a cruise ship arrives. At which point the island is mobbed by thousands of extra tourists.
Smoked out!
When I have been in Santorini you can’t even smell the smoke from that position.
You only know the cruise ships are there by the tourists running around the shops in the few hours they have.
when we were in Santorini the only issue was the influx of tourists from the ships - who came ashore to buy nothing......never smelt a whiff of a cruise ship engine from our taverna by the harbour. We could see the ships parked up off shore
It's a big problem for the residents of many cities on the cruise line circuit. Diesel emissions from cruise liners at anchor, water pollution, etc. Residents claim higher cancer rates in areas that are downwind from the docks for these large ships. Cities are starting to force cruisers to connect to shore power and cut their generators.

The 75 cruise ships that docked in Marseille in 2022 emitted twice more sulfur particles (SOx) than all the vehicles registered in the city. The 218 cruise ships registered in Europe emitted as much SOx in 2022 as a billion cars.
Certainly the cruise ships are starting to divide opinion in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. You know when there's a liner in at Invergordon when you go to Inverness. Convoys of 60 or more bikes (supplied by the liner) are causing issues on the Orkney Islands and now on Shetland.
i was quite shocked at the pollution they put out when they were anchored off the South Devon coast during Covid.
Cruising seems to be getting more popular too
Most of my friends and associates would be happy to see the end of cruise ship ''visits". More trouble than it's worth. (and it's not worth much)
Where I live (inland) cruise ships are scarce. But plenty of the larger size diesel fueled lawn mowers. Plus farmer tractors, plus French moped cars (be glad if you don't have them where you live, they are for some unexplained reason also diesel powered, but without any sort of emission control).
I stayed on Santorini about 10yrs ago. You couldn’t move in Oia during the day. A Russian cruise party came through with men passing items up the line to friends after they’d exited a shop, with the shopkeepers coming out to demand stolen goods back.
Most modern cruise/cargo ships will be fitted with engine scrubbers. This is a design to remove most of the sulphur and perhaps other noxious chemicals from the ship’s engine. This discharge will usually be seen as a whiteish steamy smoke.Older diesel engine smoke is usually much darker.
Google any ‘Marine Engine Scrubber’ page.

Living down wind of a major U.K. container port it is noticeable that the clouds of really black smoke emitted by engines on start up is more or less a thing of the past.
Good afternoon all,

These vessels won’t be burning HFO anywhere near coastlines for a number of years now.

All new vessels have to limit emissions using HFO in deep sea area’s. This stuff can be Googled and there is lots of information out there.

They should be burning MGO in near coastal areas (this incorporates almost all of Europe).

Most ports have the capacity, in law, to prosecute ships for heavy smoke emissions from funnels.

It also is bad PR for the cruise company.

Where possible, where you know a diesel gen set is likely to start, the Master and C/E should have everything online before appearing over the horizon.

On my last ship heading into SF bay we would only use the ME shaft generator and one bow thruster. The second bow thruster had a dedicated diesel gen set which, on start up, used to create enormous amounts of black smoke….

Chevron wouldn’t want the adverse PR.


ah may have not noticed it . they were certainly there for a long time and fun to watch in the bay . i remember we took the ferry from Brixham to Torquay and the skipper took us up real close to have a look

