
Couple of DIYGeddon musings...


Bodging pleb
OK, here goes.
I have a DIYGeddon running very nicely thank you, and unlike a couple of others here, am not having problems with blown fuses on turn on. I believe that the others have resorted to leaving the primaries powered and switching the secondaries only.

Which leads me to the following - I'm still sometimes making a beeline for my LP12's top plate switch after a couple of months of Geddon use. Would it be OK to move the switch from the external box onto the top plate of the LP12? I guess that would mean having the circuit that shifts phase up inside the LP12 instead of down in the box (or maybe a 3 pole switch?), and switching the secondaries rather than the primaries. Just a thought. The right sized switch would be needed to fit into the gap, too.

And the other one - I'm sure someone has mentioned that it's possible to use a Lingo connector to connect up a Geddon. Am I right? If so, what pins are used? Is it a hard wired cable at the LP12 end with plug on the end that plugs into the Lingo?
...or you could rig up a low voltage supply to the switch, that controlled a relay inside your diyageddon.

Could it not be as simple as running the live wire that now attaches to the motor to the switch on the LP12, then back to the motor?

I have my table running off of an external valhalla (not an LP12 but same motor, the Valhalla wont fit in table) and was also thinking I would like the switch back on the table. This was going to be my plan of attack, please let me know if I am going at it wrong!

also - the switch that came with the BASIC power supply should do the trick? ..and should be easy to get ahold of.

Hi Adam - when I started reading your post, I thought it was you (external valhalla, not LP12, vinyl related nom de plume).

That thought had occurred to me, too - and that way is certainly simple. I can't see a reason why not, to be honest, apart from sourcing the switch.

Which reminds me - what exactly is the Basic Linn power supply? How does it differ from the Geddon, as it must drop the voltage down, and provide the phase shift for the motor?
Well, It is a little before 1am here and I can't find my blasted Linn Basic psu circuit board anywhere. I also have a similar board from my Townshend Rock table. As Max Townshend explained it to me, it is little more than a capacitor and a resistor. That is all that is needed to get the platter spinning the right direction.

I am going to did arround tomorrow when i have some daylight and i am pretty sure I can did up an original Linn on/off switch for you and the basic psu. I have attached a basic psu pic for now.
Yeah, looks very similar to the Geddon - looks like Naim just whacked a big transformer on the front of it. I guess the "basic" circuit will be different in the States, as you start off at 110v, whereas we have to drop down from 230v or thereabouts. Wonder how the UK version drops the volts down?

Not that I want to go back to that PSU, though...
OK, I think I could be called a 'Pack Rat'.

I found that i have not one but two complete 'boxed' Basic power supplies. These are complete with motors, circuit boards, switches, power cords and even the 45rpm adapters. They are what would be shipped with a new LP12.

I need the motors for a project (turning into a life long project) I am continualy working on. But one of the switches is yours. Let me know how to get it to you, along with the plug socket we talked of prior (which would be great used on the back of your geddon clone).


