
Converting non-bootable unitiserve to run volumio


pfm Member
This is the minimum hardware conversion I have come up with to convert a boot failure unitiserve to useful volumio player.
1. remove the naim sound card and associated hardware .

2.Wipe the hard disk ( or replace if faulty ) . Install volumio-2.916-2021-10-01-x86 image using balena etcher onto up to 2tb compatible drive . Plug back into board . On startup the filing system will automatically resize to use whole hard drive . You can then use <ipaddress?>/nas as network addressable storage .

To use on board audio :-

You need to obtain a replacement bios from an epia en15000 motherboard . You can then re-enable ac97 audio ( auto setting ) in "integrated peripherals" . You can then put the old bios back in but do not load any default settings as this may switch off ac97 again .

In volumio settings set output device to via8237 .

To access line out you need to drill a appropriately sized hole over the green line output socket on the board .

To use SPDIF audio output :-

Move the red jumper behind the s-video socket to the adjacent pins . This converts the yellow phono socket from composite video to spdif audio output .
You then need to change some settings in alsamixer .

Goto <ipaddress>/Dev in a web browser and enable SSH .
Go to same address in PuTTY , log in as volumio password volumio .
Type alsamixer . Move the right border of puTTY far to the right to show all options .
Highlight "S/PDIF" and if it shows MM press the M key to change to 00 .
Highlight "S/PDIF Play" and press the down arrow key until this entry reads zero ( a bit bizarre but no output without doing this ) .

Unfortunately epia en15000 motherboards seem to fetch high prices but you may be able to just buy the Phoenix D686 bios chip . But as I say once set you can put the old bios back in .

In theory you can use PuTTY ssh to install minidlna but as yet I haven't found a suitable old x86 package .
The abcde cd ripper software seems to be built in but you will need to use ssh to access it .
If anyone is interested I now have the binary file for programming the unitiserve BIOS chip (PMC PM49FL004T ( PLCC32 )) with the epia BIOS so that access to the AC97 and boot sequence settings etc are now available . This is the file used by the GQ 4x4 eprom programmer with ADP-030 adapter. Use at own risk of course but you can make a backup of the original eprom before erasing and reprogramming .

