
Cone Portraits

Was that the Bronica?
Yeah, it was from the roll just before I tackled the focusing screen foam!
I'll have to wait until my films come back, before I can see whether I've cured my focussing issues since my little bit DIY :)

Bronica S2A 80mm 2.4 Zenzanon, Fuji Neopan 400 120
E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!
Cliff, I thought you were a man who could never have too many lenses? (A TLR is just a rangefinder with a better viewer).

Cesare, still just four. A different four to the four I had before ...
Cliff, I thought you were a man who could never have too many lenses? (A TLR is just a rangefinder with a better viewer)

Fair point. Did Rollei not ever make a proper wysiwyg SLR then?

I am tempted to swap my fuji 645i rangefinder for something, but more than likely it will be a newer fuji folding rangefinder. The idea is consolidation, total number reduction and quality improvement, so not ruling anything out, yet ....

