
Complete Island Marley/Wailers 11CDs for 15€

For someone like myself, who has never been the biggest fan of CD, it's easy to critisise, but the fact remains, that the box is an absolute bargain by any standards and it sounds pretty good to me; don't like the cardboard sleeves much though!
Was listening to it again last night and I played Buffalo Soldier back to back, first from the new set, then from my Diamont mastered 'Legend'. The missus immediately said that the newest sounded a lot better. Interesting. Not sure I 100% agree but I'm going to listen again on my own with no distractions.
Lucky people you are with the quick delivery of this item. I ordered it on 4/12 but it is not scheduled for delivery until 19/12.:(
I’m inching my way through them and have got to the live album - my favourite so far. Admittedly it’s inevitably a kind of ‘Best of’, but the performance, atmosphere and recording are all great.
Received mine pretty quickly after ordering. Have decided my daughter can give them to me for Christmas - I have around half the albums already so this is mainly completionism.
That’s great - I did wonder ‘is it worthwhile flagging this up?’ Reading that makes me really happy that I did.

I forgot how much of The Wailers music that I actually knew before these arrived, don’t think there’s a track I’m not familiar with, it’s an amazing body of work over such a short period of time just like Bowie’s seventies & 80s output and every bit as good.

The interesting thing from my point of view is that I stopped buying anything after Kaya but went to Bob Marley’s last concert in Glasgow just before his death and really haven’t listened to anything from either him or the wailers for about 40 years yet I know almost every track in fact I can recall most of the set list from that concert from these cds after all of this time.

That concert was the best concert I ever attended and I can still see Marley now bouncing onto the stage with his dreadlocks down to his waist, the standout was an acoustic version of Redemption Song.

This article below is exactly as I remember it.

