
Chromecast Audio playing uninterruptedly Internet Radio,


pfm Member
I'm using Foobar upnp server to cast music and radio to CCA.
I control it with Creation 5 on iphone, which is very good and cheap.
I noticed that when I stream an internet radio to CCA and starts playing, it goes on forever, not only if I turn off the phone but even the laptop where foobar is installed.
This is really great, but how is possible?
My CCA has been playing radio Paradise uninterruptedly for 3 days and will go on unless there's some drop in internet or electricity..:D
Unfortunately I can't say the same thing for music files, it needs the phone when changing tracks, and the server must be on.
As you’ve found - if you’re using a streaming service (internet radio, Spotify, Tidal etc) you’re not actually casting ‘to’ the CCA, you’re asking it to start playing that service directly from the net. It’ll keep playing until it’s told not to (or connection or power cut out).

I'm using Foobar upnp server to cast music and radio to CCA.
I control it with Creation 5 on iphone, which is very good and cheap.
I noticed that when I stream an internet radio to CCA and starts playing, it goes on forever, not only if I turn off the phone but even the laptop where foobar is installed.
This is really great, but how is possible?
My CCA has been playing radio Paradise uninterruptedly for 3 days and will go on unless there's some drop in internet or electricity..:D
Unfortunately I can't say the same thing for music files, it needs the phone when changing tracks, and the server must be on.
As you’ve found - if you’re using a streaming service (internet radio, Spotify, Tidal etc) you’re not actually casting ‘to’ the CCA, you’re asking it to start playing that service directly from the net. It’ll keep playing until it’s told not to (or connection or power cut out).
As you’ve found - if you’re using a streaming service (internet radio, Spotify, Tidal etc) you’re not actually casting ‘to’ the CCA, you’re asking it to start playing that service directly from the net. It’ll keep playing until it’s told not to (or connection or power cut out).
Indeed...the same is true for the AV Chromecasts, so I can initiate a netflix cast from by ageing S4 phone, and watch it in 4K/60hz/HDR, or in other words the highest available ;-), on my TV...another bargain at £65!
Yup - this is way I dislike the term 'casting'. The CCA is a streamer. Your phone is merely a controller that has to be on the same network.

